Untitled (Pavilion) and Untitled (Shower) were two parts of a site-specific double installation located across two spaces and floors of the Palazzo Pisani Santa Marina, as part of the 'Diaspora Pavilion', 2017, at the 57th Venice Biennale. The work evolved from the earlier Untitled (Ballroom) (2006), a site-specific installation central to Golden (Lessons), a solo exhibition and research residency at Beaconsfield, London. Untitled (Ballroom) was restaged at the 1st Asia Biennial and 5th Guangzhou Triennial, 2015-16, Guangzhou, and again as restaged as Untitled (West) in the West Gallery of Wolverhampton Art Gallery for 'Diaspora Pavilion', 2018. Untitled (Ballroom / Pavilion / Shower / West) is part of the ongoing project, 'Golden' ...