Gate driver is an integral part of every power converter, drives the power semiconductor devices and also provides protection for the switches against short-circuit events and over-voltages during shut down. Gate drive card for IGBTs and MOSFETs with basic features can be designed easily by making use of discrete electronic components. Gate driver ICs provides attractive features in a single package, which improves reliability and reduces effort of design engineers. Either case needs one or more isolated power supplies to drive each power semiconductor devices and provide isolation to the control circuitry from the power circuit. The primary emphasis is then to provide simplified and compact isolated power supplies to the gate drive card w...
This paper will review the typical gate drive requirements for the latest generation of high power I...
MOSFET gate drivers are important in modern power electronics due to the ubiquity of applications th...
Abstract The high temperature (HT) characteristics of silicon carbide (SiC) devices enable power ele...
This paper presents the new generation of advanced gate driver circuit based on IR2110 device for a ...
International audienceNowadays new Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFET transistors are available on the mar...
The Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) is a minority-carrier device with high input impedance ...
SIC-MOSFETs are commonly used in high power inverter and converter circuits and can require signific...
Traditional methods of isolated MOSFET/IGBT gate drive are presented, and their pros and cons assess...
International audienceThis paper deals with the design and the implementation of an integrated gate ...
Abstract:- Power semiconductor devices are the key electronic components used in power electronic sy...
This paper presents and describes the design and implementation of a new gate driver circuit for a t...
The combined asymmetric half-bridge power converter topology is often used to drive switched relucta...
International audienceThis paper presents several innovative solutions in the view of transferring g...
Traditional methods of isolated MOSFET/IGBT gate drive are presented, and their pros and cons assess...
The family of intelligent IPS-drivers was invented to drive high power IGBT modules with blocking vo...
This paper will review the typical gate drive requirements for the latest generation of high power I...
MOSFET gate drivers are important in modern power electronics due to the ubiquity of applications th...
Abstract The high temperature (HT) characteristics of silicon carbide (SiC) devices enable power ele...
This paper presents the new generation of advanced gate driver circuit based on IR2110 device for a ...
International audienceNowadays new Silicon Carbide (SiC) MOSFET transistors are available on the mar...
The Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) is a minority-carrier device with high input impedance ...
SIC-MOSFETs are commonly used in high power inverter and converter circuits and can require signific...
Traditional methods of isolated MOSFET/IGBT gate drive are presented, and their pros and cons assess...
International audienceThis paper deals with the design and the implementation of an integrated gate ...
Abstract:- Power semiconductor devices are the key electronic components used in power electronic sy...
This paper presents and describes the design and implementation of a new gate driver circuit for a t...
The combined asymmetric half-bridge power converter topology is often used to drive switched relucta...
International audienceThis paper presents several innovative solutions in the view of transferring g...
Traditional methods of isolated MOSFET/IGBT gate drive are presented, and their pros and cons assess...
The family of intelligent IPS-drivers was invented to drive high power IGBT modules with blocking vo...
This paper will review the typical gate drive requirements for the latest generation of high power I...
MOSFET gate drivers are important in modern power electronics due to the ubiquity of applications th...
Abstract The high temperature (HT) characteristics of silicon carbide (SiC) devices enable power ele...