The bachelor thesis, titled Humor as a marketing tool and its impact on consumer behavior, deals with the use of humor in marketing communication. The main objective of the thesis is to explore the effect of humor in marketing on brand perception and purchase intensions of consumers. The thesis is divided into two parts - theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part, the consumer is being focused on firstly in order to understand principles of market behavior and factors that influences this behavior. Comprehending that is crucial in order to thoroughly understand the impacts of humor that are described in following parts of the thesis. The next part of the thesis deals with humor from a psychological point of view, it explains what h...
The theme of this bachelor thesis is marketing communication in the selected company. The thesis is ...
The bachelor thesis deals with the means of manipulation in advertisement. It is based on the findin...
W niniejszej pracy poruszone zostały problemy związane z postrzeganiem produktu w świetle reklamy za...
The bachelor thesis, titled Humor as a marketing tool and its impact on consumer behavior, deals wit...
The Bachelor Thesis Humour in advertisement is focused on creating humorous advertisements. The Thes...
The bachelor thesis deals with humour in the concept of psychology. In a review study, it tries to m...
This Bachelor Thesis studies the topic of using situational and particularly the language humour in ...
Přiložená bakalářská práce se zabývá působením humoru v reklamě. Hlavním cílem této práce je zjistit...
This bachelor thesis deals with a language humour and its usage in advertising. The theoretical part...
The name of the bachelor thesis is "Use of Psychology in Marketing". Marketing uses knowledge of man...
The bachelor thesis analyzes the relationship between advertising and image as a part of a commercia...
This bachelor thesis deals with deceptive advertising and its effect on consumers. The first part of...
The aim of this diploma thesis named "Brand perception" is to create suggestion for changes in the c...
The bachelor thesis deals with influencer marketing in the field of cosmetic products and its influe...
The bachelor thesis analyzes consumer behavior in a particular sphere. The theoretical part deals ma...
The theme of this bachelor thesis is marketing communication in the selected company. The thesis is ...
The bachelor thesis deals with the means of manipulation in advertisement. It is based on the findin...
W niniejszej pracy poruszone zostały problemy związane z postrzeganiem produktu w świetle reklamy za...
The bachelor thesis, titled Humor as a marketing tool and its impact on consumer behavior, deals wit...
The Bachelor Thesis Humour in advertisement is focused on creating humorous advertisements. The Thes...
The bachelor thesis deals with humour in the concept of psychology. In a review study, it tries to m...
This Bachelor Thesis studies the topic of using situational and particularly the language humour in ...
Přiložená bakalářská práce se zabývá působením humoru v reklamě. Hlavním cílem této práce je zjistit...
This bachelor thesis deals with a language humour and its usage in advertising. The theoretical part...
The name of the bachelor thesis is "Use of Psychology in Marketing". Marketing uses knowledge of man...
The bachelor thesis analyzes the relationship between advertising and image as a part of a commercia...
This bachelor thesis deals with deceptive advertising and its effect on consumers. The first part of...
The aim of this diploma thesis named "Brand perception" is to create suggestion for changes in the c...
The bachelor thesis deals with influencer marketing in the field of cosmetic products and its influe...
The bachelor thesis analyzes consumer behavior in a particular sphere. The theoretical part deals ma...
The theme of this bachelor thesis is marketing communication in the selected company. The thesis is ...
The bachelor thesis deals with the means of manipulation in advertisement. It is based on the findin...
W niniejszej pracy poruszone zostały problemy związane z postrzeganiem produktu w świetle reklamy za...