The Sharon Conglomerate and the Massillon sandstone are members of the Pottsville Group of Pennsylvanian age. The Sharon Conglomerate is an orthoquartzite sandstone conglomerate whereas the Massillon is a subgreywacke sandstone. Each sandstone or conglomerate may lie unconformably on older Mississippian age strata of the Logan Formation. The purpose of this study is to identify sandstones in southern Ashland County petrographically and determine their environment of deposition, as well as provenance. The sandstones represent fluvial systems that flowed to the southwest. They have been identified as sublitharenites by the method of composition by volume. This would suggest derivation from a sedimentary and metamorphic source area to the nort...
This paper reports the results of study of the soils, soil parent material, and relevant bedrock alo...
Reprinted from the Ohio Journal of Science, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 1-13, January 1953
The purpose of this study was to map the bedrock geology of the southern half of the Pond Run 7.5’ Q...
The Sharon Conglomerate and the Massillon sandstone are members of the Pottsville Group of Pennsylva...
ABSTRACT: The Sharon Conglomerate in northeastern Ohio, a member of the Pottsville Formation (Pennsy...
Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v.66, Feb. 1955
Author Institution: Indiana Geological Survey, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indian
The Black Hand Sandstone Member of the Cuyahoga Formation of Ohio is a multistory, conglomeratic san...
Author Institution: Geological Survey of Ohio, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohi
The Upper Cambrian to Ordovician Rose Run Sandstone and its equivalents (Upper Sandstone Member of t...
The Rb-Sr method was used to determine the age of detrital muscovite in the Sharon Sandstone at the ...
Author Institution: BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc. ; Department of Geology, Bowling Green State Unive...
Author Institution: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological SurveyAn analysis o...
The Brassfield Formation, consisting mainly of carbonate strata, is overlain by beds of the Dayton F...
Author Institution: Department of Geology, University of AkronThe clay mineralogy of three pre-Woodf...
This paper reports the results of study of the soils, soil parent material, and relevant bedrock alo...
Reprinted from the Ohio Journal of Science, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 1-13, January 1953
The purpose of this study was to map the bedrock geology of the southern half of the Pond Run 7.5’ Q...
The Sharon Conglomerate and the Massillon sandstone are members of the Pottsville Group of Pennsylva...
ABSTRACT: The Sharon Conglomerate in northeastern Ohio, a member of the Pottsville Formation (Pennsy...
Reprinted from the Bulletin of the Geological Society of America, v.66, Feb. 1955
Author Institution: Indiana Geological Survey, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indian
The Black Hand Sandstone Member of the Cuyahoga Formation of Ohio is a multistory, conglomeratic san...
Author Institution: Geological Survey of Ohio, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohi
The Upper Cambrian to Ordovician Rose Run Sandstone and its equivalents (Upper Sandstone Member of t...
The Rb-Sr method was used to determine the age of detrital muscovite in the Sharon Sandstone at the ...
Author Institution: BP Exploration (Alaska), Inc. ; Department of Geology, Bowling Green State Unive...
Author Institution: Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geological SurveyAn analysis o...
The Brassfield Formation, consisting mainly of carbonate strata, is overlain by beds of the Dayton F...
Author Institution: Department of Geology, University of AkronThe clay mineralogy of three pre-Woodf...
This paper reports the results of study of the soils, soil parent material, and relevant bedrock alo...
Reprinted from the Ohio Journal of Science, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 1-13, January 1953
The purpose of this study was to map the bedrock geology of the southern half of the Pond Run 7.5’ Q...