The purpose of this study was to map the bedrock geology of the southern half of the Pond Run 7.5’ Quadrangle. The study area is located in southernmost Ohio, along the Ohio River. The majority of Pond Run mapped is found within Shawnee State Forest. This area has dendritic drainage, moderate relief (750 feet), and is heavily vegetated. Bedrock geology of Pond Run is composed of siliciclastic rocks of Devonian and Mississippian age, which dip to the southeast at less than 1.0 degree per mile. Lithologic units encountered from oldest to youngest are: Cleveland Member of the Ohio Shale (Devonian), Berea Sandstone/Bedford Shale undifferentiated (Devonian), Sunbury Shale (Mississippian), Cuyahoga Formation (Mississippian), and the lower part of...