“So that Philia and Symmachia between Athens and the Euboeans Can Endure” (IG II2 149 = IG II3 1, 2, 398, an Attican Inscription to Reexamine). The introductive section (I) of this paper provides a critical review of the documentation relating to treaties of alliances between Athens and the cities of Euboea during the first half of the IVth century BC, with emphasis on the Attic inscription which – according to the author's own textual improvement – must be « a peace for hundred years » between Athenians and Eretrians in 394 (IG II2 16). In the following part (II), returning to the study of the decree proposed by Demosthenes’ friend Hegesippus after the attack conducted by Athens against the Eretrian territory in 348 (now IG II3 1, 2, 399),...