Theocritus' Idyll 26 is to be read as a rewriting of Euripides' Bacchœ. Indeed, the Alexandrian poet is taking up several phrases from the tragic text itself, namely as far as the name of the characters or the image of the lioness are concerned. Though, of course, the poet highly reduces the tragic action and particularly the number of characters. All things considered, this rewriting of Theocritus is taking advantage of undecided points and alternatives of the tragic text itself to develop its own variations.L'Idylle XXVI de Théocrite doit être lue comme une réécriture des Bacchantes d'Euripide. Certes le poète alexandrin concentre fortement l'action tragique et réduit notamment le nombre des personnages. Mais il pratique dans le même temp...
In Euripides the legend of Helena, as handed down to us through the Homeric poems, undergoes a compl...
My purpose is to demonstrate Theocritus' treatment of traditional literary genres. I show the specia...
Euripides presents through a few dramatic devices the stages of Medea's victory over her "ennemies"....
Theocritus' Idyll 26 is to be read as a rewriting of Euripides' Bacchœ. Indeed, the Alexandrian poet...
Un passage souvent discuté d'Euripide, dans le second chœur des Bacchantes, mentionne Chypre et Aphr...
Bruneau Philippe. 35. Euripide. Les Bacchantes. Texte établi et traduit par H. Grégoire, avec le con...
Le matériau du « mythe » dont Euripide s’empare est-il avant tout une « histoire » ? La manière dont...
Jean Christophe Saladin, Euripide luthérien?, p. 155-170. Une enquête sur les éditions d'Euripide à...
Of the Péliades, the earliest tragedy by Euripides, staged in 455 BC, neither testimonies nor the fr...
English summary: Poetics at the Threshold of Alexandrinism: Theocritus ' Idyll 16. Theocritus' Idyl...
The author, in turn, compares with the Bacchae the literary Dionysian myth in epic and lyric poetry,...
Le thème du bonheur tient une grande place dans les Bacchantes d'Euripide. Le début contient une évo...
To decide whether Euripides wrote Alcestis as a tragedy or a satyrical play, we need to consider the...
Pentheus’ amathia. Aspects of Knowing in Euripides’ Bacchae ̶ Moving from the analysis of amathia, w...
L'analogie d'un passage d'Euripide (Autolycos 10-12) et d'un verset d'Isaïc (50,9) est assez frappan...
In Euripides the legend of Helena, as handed down to us through the Homeric poems, undergoes a compl...
My purpose is to demonstrate Theocritus' treatment of traditional literary genres. I show the specia...
Euripides presents through a few dramatic devices the stages of Medea's victory over her "ennemies"....
Theocritus' Idyll 26 is to be read as a rewriting of Euripides' Bacchœ. Indeed, the Alexandrian poet...
Un passage souvent discuté d'Euripide, dans le second chœur des Bacchantes, mentionne Chypre et Aphr...
Bruneau Philippe. 35. Euripide. Les Bacchantes. Texte établi et traduit par H. Grégoire, avec le con...
Le matériau du « mythe » dont Euripide s’empare est-il avant tout une « histoire » ? La manière dont...
Jean Christophe Saladin, Euripide luthérien?, p. 155-170. Une enquête sur les éditions d'Euripide à...
Of the Péliades, the earliest tragedy by Euripides, staged in 455 BC, neither testimonies nor the fr...
English summary: Poetics at the Threshold of Alexandrinism: Theocritus ' Idyll 16. Theocritus' Idyl...
The author, in turn, compares with the Bacchae the literary Dionysian myth in epic and lyric poetry,...
Le thème du bonheur tient une grande place dans les Bacchantes d'Euripide. Le début contient une évo...
To decide whether Euripides wrote Alcestis as a tragedy or a satyrical play, we need to consider the...
Pentheus’ amathia. Aspects of Knowing in Euripides’ Bacchae ̶ Moving from the analysis of amathia, w...
L'analogie d'un passage d'Euripide (Autolycos 10-12) et d'un verset d'Isaïc (50,9) est assez frappan...
In Euripides the legend of Helena, as handed down to us through the Homeric poems, undergoes a compl...
My purpose is to demonstrate Theocritus' treatment of traditional literary genres. I show the specia...
Euripides presents through a few dramatic devices the stages of Medea's victory over her "ennemies"....