In connection with the specificity of handicraft activities, entering the profession and training in the appropriate skills and abilities, comprehending the secrets of craftsmanship, developing an individual style indicate the need for continuing education. The question is raised about the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the continuous education of craftsmans, the development of a scientific-methodological and organizational-methodological basis for vocational training of craftsmans, and the introduction of a system for the continuous education of craftsmansВ связи со спецификой ремесленной деятельности, вхождение в профессию и обучение соответствующим навыкам и умениям, постижение секретов мастерства, выработка индивидуальног...
With the aim of increasing the effectiveness of early diagnostics and medical therapy of atrophic co...
В работе представлены результаты исследования степени развития осевой зоны слитков, отлитых по обычн...
The article casts doubt upon the appropriateness of mass multi- and transprofessionalism, including ...
Electrode processes in LiCl –REEF3 (REE=La,Ce,Nd) melts were studied using different electrochemical...
Bacterial ghosts are intact walls of bacterial cells that are relieved of their contents through por...
Although successes in antiretroviral therapy (ART) turned AIDS from lethal illness into sluggishly p...
В статье представлена типология аддиктивного поведения, указаны социально-психологические особенност...
The features of the pharmacokinetics of the angiotensin II receptor blocker telmisartan are consider...
In modern conditions, the need to increase efficiency of forensic expert activity in economic field ...
Aim. To study the dynamics of physical performance in young people with mitral valve prolapse (MVP) ...
The aim of the study was to assess the trend of the epidemic process of influenza and other ARVI in ...
Carried out are the studies of preparations of Francisella tularensis antigen complexes, obtained fr...
The study presents an analysis of developmentaldelay of schoolchildren. It is outlined that the stud...
The article considers the system-environment approach to the implementation of the training process ...
The images built on the basis of rectangular and hexagonal lattices are discussed in the article. Fo...
With the aim of increasing the effectiveness of early diagnostics and medical therapy of atrophic co...
В работе представлены результаты исследования степени развития осевой зоны слитков, отлитых по обычн...
The article casts doubt upon the appropriateness of mass multi- and transprofessionalism, including ...
Electrode processes in LiCl –REEF3 (REE=La,Ce,Nd) melts were studied using different electrochemical...
Bacterial ghosts are intact walls of bacterial cells that are relieved of their contents through por...
Although successes in antiretroviral therapy (ART) turned AIDS from lethal illness into sluggishly p...
В статье представлена типология аддиктивного поведения, указаны социально-психологические особенност...
The features of the pharmacokinetics of the angiotensin II receptor blocker telmisartan are consider...
In modern conditions, the need to increase efficiency of forensic expert activity in economic field ...
Aim. To study the dynamics of physical performance in young people with mitral valve prolapse (MVP) ...
The aim of the study was to assess the trend of the epidemic process of influenza and other ARVI in ...
Carried out are the studies of preparations of Francisella tularensis antigen complexes, obtained fr...
The study presents an analysis of developmentaldelay of schoolchildren. It is outlined that the stud...
The article considers the system-environment approach to the implementation of the training process ...
The images built on the basis of rectangular and hexagonal lattices are discussed in the article. Fo...
With the aim of increasing the effectiveness of early diagnostics and medical therapy of atrophic co...
В работе представлены результаты исследования степени развития осевой зоны слитков, отлитых по обычн...
The article casts doubt upon the appropriateness of mass multi- and transprofessionalism, including ...