Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset i, AL
ML analyses and associated bootstrapping (1,000 replicates) using the MPI-parallelized RAxML 7.0.4 s...
Tree inferred with Exabayes with node support taken from a analyses of bootstrapped alignment with t...
ML tree inferred from the reference assembly data matrix. The phylogenetic tree was inferred with RA...
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset i, AL
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset iv, ALL_ROGU
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset iii, COVERAG
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset ii, MISSIN
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset vi, COVERAGE_ROG...
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 rapid bootstrap replicates with outgroup Nematocer
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset v, MISSING_ROGU
Inferred MLE trees annotated with support from 200 non-parametric bootstrap replicates
<p>Numbers above branches are ML bootstrap support values, and the numbers below branches are bootst...
Same phylogenetic tree as in supplementary file 3 including bootstrap from 100 replicates as branch ...
The ML tree for Osmundaceae from the same data as used for the tree in Fig. 1 with bootstrap support...
ML bootstrap majority rule consensus tree topologies from 300-replicate RAxML bootstrap searches usi...
ML analyses and associated bootstrapping (1,000 replicates) using the MPI-parallelized RAxML 7.0.4 s...
Tree inferred with Exabayes with node support taken from a analyses of bootstrapped alignment with t...
ML tree inferred from the reference assembly data matrix. The phylogenetic tree was inferred with RA...
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset i, AL
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset iv, ALL_ROGU
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset iii, COVERAG
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset ii, MISSIN
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset vi, COVERAGE_ROG...
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 rapid bootstrap replicates with outgroup Nematocer
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset v, MISSING_ROGU
Inferred MLE trees annotated with support from 200 non-parametric bootstrap replicates
<p>Numbers above branches are ML bootstrap support values, and the numbers below branches are bootst...
Same phylogenetic tree as in supplementary file 3 including bootstrap from 100 replicates as branch ...
The ML tree for Osmundaceae from the same data as used for the tree in Fig. 1 with bootstrap support...
ML bootstrap majority rule consensus tree topologies from 300-replicate RAxML bootstrap searches usi...
ML analyses and associated bootstrapping (1,000 replicates) using the MPI-parallelized RAxML 7.0.4 s...
Tree inferred with Exabayes with node support taken from a analyses of bootstrapped alignment with t...
ML tree inferred from the reference assembly data matrix. The phylogenetic tree was inferred with RA...