Tree inferred with Exabayes with node support taken from a analyses of bootstrapped alignment with trees estimated using Maximum Likelihoo
The most frequent measure of phylogenetic uncertainty for splits is bootstrap support. Although larg...
<p>Bootstrap values for NJ, MP, ML and UPGMA analyses, respectively, are given as well as posterior ...
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 rapid bootstrap replicates with outgroup Nematocer
Inferred MLE trees annotated with support from 200 non-parametric bootstrap replicates
<p>The maximum likelihood approach yielded the same topology. Numbers on nodes represent the bootstr...
<p>Bootstrap support (1000 replicates) and posterior probabilities of nodes are indicated above and ...
<p>A: Nodes with less than 75% bootstrap support are indicated by open circles (n = 24). Bootstrap v...
Maximum likelihood bootstrap tree for matrix “Allsites_alltaxa” analyzed with linked branch lengths
ADH best maximum likelihood tree from Garli with support values from 1,000 bootstrap replicates at e...
<p>Bootstrap percentages for maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, minimum evolution (above branche...
The maximum likelihood bootstrap topology resulting from partitioned ML analyses
<p>Only bootstrap support values over 70% are shown. The Bayesian phylogenetic inference produced ve...
Maximum likelihood bootstrap tree for matrix “Allsites_noAno” analyzed with linked branch lengths
<p>The Bayesian posterior probabilities are above the branches, and the maximum parsimony (left) and...
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset i, AL
The most frequent measure of phylogenetic uncertainty for splits is bootstrap support. Although larg...
<p>Bootstrap values for NJ, MP, ML and UPGMA analyses, respectively, are given as well as posterior ...
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 rapid bootstrap replicates with outgroup Nematocer
Inferred MLE trees annotated with support from 200 non-parametric bootstrap replicates
<p>The maximum likelihood approach yielded the same topology. Numbers on nodes represent the bootstr...
<p>Bootstrap support (1000 replicates) and posterior probabilities of nodes are indicated above and ...
<p>A: Nodes with less than 75% bootstrap support are indicated by open circles (n = 24). Bootstrap v...
Maximum likelihood bootstrap tree for matrix “Allsites_alltaxa” analyzed with linked branch lengths
ADH best maximum likelihood tree from Garli with support values from 1,000 bootstrap replicates at e...
<p>Bootstrap percentages for maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony, minimum evolution (above branche...
The maximum likelihood bootstrap topology resulting from partitioned ML analyses
<p>Only bootstrap support values over 70% are shown. The Bayesian phylogenetic inference produced ve...
Maximum likelihood bootstrap tree for matrix “Allsites_noAno” analyzed with linked branch lengths
<p>The Bayesian posterior probabilities are above the branches, and the maximum parsimony (left) and...
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 thorough bootstrap replicates for dataset i, AL
The most frequent measure of phylogenetic uncertainty for splits is bootstrap support. Although larg...
<p>Bootstrap values for NJ, MP, ML and UPGMA analyses, respectively, are given as well as posterior ...
Best ML tree with branch support from 100 rapid bootstrap replicates with outgroup Nematocer