ABSTRACT Problems with high turnover in nursing has escalated during the last years both nationally and internationally. according to previous research job satisfaction and quality of care was connected to specific features of the hospital work environement. It was also recommended by Coomber & Barriball (2007) to analyze job satisfaction at ward level with qualitative interviews to get a deeper and more extended insight in which specific features are of importance. The aim of this study was to investigate and describe the experiance of job satisfaction in relation to quality of care from nurses perspective. This study was carried out at an orthopaedic ward with primary nursing as organizational context of care. Two focus group intervie...
Internationally, successful organizations have been those that consider their human capital as their...
Background Job satisfaction is a major issue in work psychology among nurses, and in the surgical nu...
The study aimed to assess the role of job satisfaction of nurses on provision of hospital services t...
ABSTRACT Problems with high turnover in nursing has escalated during the last years both nationally ...
Background. Shortage of nurses is an alarming problem in Sweden and the world as a whole. To be able...
Genom att ta reda på vad det är i sjuksköterskors arbetsmiljö som kan påverka omvårdnadskvalitén kan...
Bakgrund och problem: Vårdsektorn i Sverige har stora problem med att få personal att stanna inom y...
Abstract: Job satisfaction has great significance for nurses. The job is very demanding and requires...
Background: Earlier studies show that nurses work environment is a factor that may affect the qualit...
För att uppfylla de krav och förväntningar som ställs på sjuksköterskan idag är det viktigt att sjuk...
Background: Optimal staffing, in terms of numbers and competence, has been set as a prerequisite for...
För att bedriva en säker vård har vårdpersonal skyldighet att arbeta enligt evidensbaserade metoder ...
Sammanfattning: Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor är utsatta för stora fysiska och psykiska påfrestningar i s...
Background: Previous research shows that nurses’ work is perceived as overwhelming due to a high wor...
Bakgrund: När pandemin bröt ut för ungefär två år sedan drabbades många sektorer ute på arbetsmarkna...
Internationally, successful organizations have been those that consider their human capital as their...
Background Job satisfaction is a major issue in work psychology among nurses, and in the surgical nu...
The study aimed to assess the role of job satisfaction of nurses on provision of hospital services t...
ABSTRACT Problems with high turnover in nursing has escalated during the last years both nationally ...
Background. Shortage of nurses is an alarming problem in Sweden and the world as a whole. To be able...
Genom att ta reda på vad det är i sjuksköterskors arbetsmiljö som kan påverka omvårdnadskvalitén kan...
Bakgrund och problem: Vårdsektorn i Sverige har stora problem med att få personal att stanna inom y...
Abstract: Job satisfaction has great significance for nurses. The job is very demanding and requires...
Background: Earlier studies show that nurses work environment is a factor that may affect the qualit...
För att uppfylla de krav och förväntningar som ställs på sjuksköterskan idag är det viktigt att sjuk...
Background: Optimal staffing, in terms of numbers and competence, has been set as a prerequisite for...
För att bedriva en säker vård har vårdpersonal skyldighet att arbeta enligt evidensbaserade metoder ...
Sammanfattning: Bakgrund: Sjuksköterskor är utsatta för stora fysiska och psykiska påfrestningar i s...
Background: Previous research shows that nurses’ work is perceived as overwhelming due to a high wor...
Bakgrund: När pandemin bröt ut för ungefär två år sedan drabbades många sektorer ute på arbetsmarkna...
Internationally, successful organizations have been those that consider their human capital as their...
Background Job satisfaction is a major issue in work psychology among nurses, and in the surgical nu...
The study aimed to assess the role of job satisfaction of nurses on provision of hospital services t...