<p>A) For each drug the concentration that gives the highest percentage of synchronized cells and the lowest cell death (highlighted in grey) was selected. B) Correction efficiencies after transfection in different cell cycle phases. A SDF homologous to mutated eGFP sequence was used as control (CTR). Gene modification efficiency was enhanced when cells are synchronized in G<sub>2</sub>/M phase (*p = 0.0001 respect to CTR and +p = 0.0001 respect to unsynchronized cells, <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0030851#pone.0030851.s005" target="_blank">Fig. S5</a>). C) Differently <i>in vitro</i> methylated SDFs were tested to assess methylation involvement in gene modification efficiency. SDF-PCR-WT gave the hi...
Homologous Replacement is used to modify specific gene sequences of chromosomal DNA in a process ref...
<p>(<b>A</b>) TM frequency was determined from cells grown with or without 0.2 µM or 1 µM 5-aza-dC a...
While every cell in an organism is genetically identical, there are marked phenotypic differences be...
<p>A) Correction efficiencies after transfecting different amounts of SDF-PCR-WT in D1 cells. Positi...
<div><p>Homologous Replacement is used to modify specific gene sequences of chromosomal DNA in a pro...
La méthylation de l’ADN est une modification épigénétique sur les cytosines des dinucléotides CpG ca...
a<p>Each transformation experiment used approximately 10<sup>9</sup> cells and 600 ng of transformin...
<p>(A) (a) The parental <i>Dicer1</i><sup>c/−</sup> XY ES cell line is normally methylated. (b) A co...
<p>a) <i>Myogenin</i> and b) <i>PSEN1</i> overall non-CpG methylation. c) and d) Amplification effic...
Background Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) allows absolute quantification of nucleic aci...
<p>(A) The genomic region coordinates of DNA methylation probes that had decreased methylation (blac...
(A) The degree of methylated alleles correlates with allele-specific mutation bias across three impr...
<p>Box- and whisker plots represent DNA methylation as β-values (0CXCL12 (A), <i>SCRIB</i> (B), <i>P...
<p>CpG methylation pattern is expressed as percent methylation for each CpG in the investigated regi...
<p>Metabolomics was performed in DN-POLG cells at days 0, 3, 6 and 9; <i>N</i> = 4 per time point. D...
Homologous Replacement is used to modify specific gene sequences of chromosomal DNA in a process ref...
<p>(<b>A</b>) TM frequency was determined from cells grown with or without 0.2 µM or 1 µM 5-aza-dC a...
While every cell in an organism is genetically identical, there are marked phenotypic differences be...
<p>A) Correction efficiencies after transfecting different amounts of SDF-PCR-WT in D1 cells. Positi...
<div><p>Homologous Replacement is used to modify specific gene sequences of chromosomal DNA in a pro...
La méthylation de l’ADN est une modification épigénétique sur les cytosines des dinucléotides CpG ca...
a<p>Each transformation experiment used approximately 10<sup>9</sup> cells and 600 ng of transformin...
<p>(A) (a) The parental <i>Dicer1</i><sup>c/−</sup> XY ES cell line is normally methylated. (b) A co...
<p>a) <i>Myogenin</i> and b) <i>PSEN1</i> overall non-CpG methylation. c) and d) Amplification effic...
Background Droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) allows absolute quantification of nucleic aci...
<p>(A) The genomic region coordinates of DNA methylation probes that had decreased methylation (blac...
(A) The degree of methylated alleles correlates with allele-specific mutation bias across three impr...
<p>Box- and whisker plots represent DNA methylation as β-values (0CXCL12 (A), <i>SCRIB</i> (B), <i>P...
<p>CpG methylation pattern is expressed as percent methylation for each CpG in the investigated regi...
<p>Metabolomics was performed in DN-POLG cells at days 0, 3, 6 and 9; <i>N</i> = 4 per time point. D...
Homologous Replacement is used to modify specific gene sequences of chromosomal DNA in a process ref...
<p>(<b>A</b>) TM frequency was determined from cells grown with or without 0.2 µM or 1 µM 5-aza-dC a...
While every cell in an organism is genetically identical, there are marked phenotypic differences be...