<p>Colormaps (A, C, E, G) show the power of extracellular signal of a population of layer-5 cells receiving apical synaptic input for four levels of input correlation as functions of frequency and distance from center of populations. Black solid and dotted lines denote signal to noise ratio of 0.5 and 0.1, respectively. B, D, F, H: power spectra of extracellular signal at different distances, lines: prediction from simplified model in <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003137#pcbi.1003137.e056" target="_blank">Equation 6</a>, dots: full simulation. Thin vertical dotted lines with dots in A, C, E, G denote the distances at which the power spectra are shown, that is, at the center (), population edge ...
<p>(A) Spike histograms and simulated LFP traces for the unconnected ( FS to P synapses per P -cell)...
<p><b>A</b>) For local stimulation geometry, the stimulus is delivered via a small dipole located cl...
<p>(A) Amplitude of LFP signal generated by the morphological 3D network at 50 μm spaced depths, whe...
<p>A. Spatial decay in lateral direction for the squared single-cell shape functions for three diff...
<p>Full simulation results (dots) and simplified model predictions (lines) for the LFP at the center...
<p><b>.</b> Color lines denote parts of the whole population (gray, radius = 1 mm) which contribute ...
<p>Each of the panels shows full simulation results (dots) and predictions from simplified model, <a...
<p>A. Input spike trains are either generated independently for each cell (uncorrelated input), or c...
<p>A, B, C: basal synaptic input, D, E, F: apical synaptic input. Dots not connected with lines indi...
<p>homogeneous (solid), apical (dashed) and basal synaptic input (dotted) applied to the layer-3 pyr...
<p>Dots represent the actual frequency resolution, thin lines serve to guide the eye. Dots not conne...
<p>PSD of the LFP for different correlation levels and different patterns of synaptic input as predi...
<p>PSD of the LFP for different correlation levels and different patterns of synaptic input. Populat...
<p>Same as <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003137#pcbi-1...
<p>Top row: squared shape functions for the lowest-frequency component (0 Hz) of the LFP generated ...
<p>(A) Spike histograms and simulated LFP traces for the unconnected ( FS to P synapses per P -cell)...
<p><b>A</b>) For local stimulation geometry, the stimulus is delivered via a small dipole located cl...
<p>(A) Amplitude of LFP signal generated by the morphological 3D network at 50 μm spaced depths, whe...
<p>A. Spatial decay in lateral direction for the squared single-cell shape functions for three diff...
<p>Full simulation results (dots) and simplified model predictions (lines) for the LFP at the center...
<p><b>.</b> Color lines denote parts of the whole population (gray, radius = 1 mm) which contribute ...
<p>Each of the panels shows full simulation results (dots) and predictions from simplified model, <a...
<p>A. Input spike trains are either generated independently for each cell (uncorrelated input), or c...
<p>A, B, C: basal synaptic input, D, E, F: apical synaptic input. Dots not connected with lines indi...
<p>homogeneous (solid), apical (dashed) and basal synaptic input (dotted) applied to the layer-3 pyr...
<p>Dots represent the actual frequency resolution, thin lines serve to guide the eye. Dots not conne...
<p>PSD of the LFP for different correlation levels and different patterns of synaptic input as predi...
<p>PSD of the LFP for different correlation levels and different patterns of synaptic input. Populat...
<p>Same as <a href="http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003137#pcbi-1...
<p>Top row: squared shape functions for the lowest-frequency component (0 Hz) of the LFP generated ...
<p>(A) Spike histograms and simulated LFP traces for the unconnected ( FS to P synapses per P -cell)...
<p><b>A</b>) For local stimulation geometry, the stimulus is delivered via a small dipole located cl...
<p>(A) Amplitude of LFP signal generated by the morphological 3D network at 50 μm spaced depths, whe...