Genomic coverage of allelic expression data in Geuvadis CEU samples (extended). a Total number of unique het-SNPs covered by increasing read depth as a function of the number of individuals. b Boxplot of the total number of exons per individual containing at least one het-SNP for each depth level. c Median number of exons as a function of the number of het-SNPs per feature at increasing read depths. d Distribution of percentage of reads mapping to het-SNPs that cover more than one het-SNP for all Geuvadis samples (median = 8.8 %). (TIFF 1735 kb
Summary of publications and tools that analyze AE data, listing their specific application, the type...
Table S1. Number of high-quality biallelic variants in GENOME, EXOME, BEADCHIP, and HUN-EXOM dataset...
Distribution of genetic heritability estimates for gene expression levels of A) all probes (n = 18,1...
Effect of overlapping and duplicate reads on AE analysis of Geuvadis samples. a Histogram of percent...
Quality control of genotype data for allelic expression analysis (extended). a Boxplot of per indivi...
Low-level reference bias at het-SNPs remains after filtering biased sites. a Boxplot of reference ra...
Comparison of AE data generated with different alignment strategies. a–d For each comparison the obs...
QC measures improve the power to detect biologically relevant allelic expression at genes that have ...
Allelic expression signal from a population of monoclonal versus polyclonal cells. In the latter, st...
QC measures reduce overdispersion in technical replicates when testing for allelic imbalance using a...
Use of fSNPd and the Supplementary Figure. This firstly documents the instructions for the installat...
Figure S1. a–c The distribution of Tajima’s D for DNase footprint SNPs in each subpopulation. d Over...
Allele frequency for non-reproducible false positive variants. Allele frequency (VF â x axis) is p...
Pearson correlations (y-axis) of number of ROH, mean ROH size and mean sum of ROH between array data...
Figure S1. SNP calling result using mouse embryonic scRNA-seq data. Figure S2. A cartoon illustratin...
Summary of publications and tools that analyze AE data, listing their specific application, the type...
Table S1. Number of high-quality biallelic variants in GENOME, EXOME, BEADCHIP, and HUN-EXOM dataset...
Distribution of genetic heritability estimates for gene expression levels of A) all probes (n = 18,1...
Effect of overlapping and duplicate reads on AE analysis of Geuvadis samples. a Histogram of percent...
Quality control of genotype data for allelic expression analysis (extended). a Boxplot of per indivi...
Low-level reference bias at het-SNPs remains after filtering biased sites. a Boxplot of reference ra...
Comparison of AE data generated with different alignment strategies. a–d For each comparison the obs...
QC measures improve the power to detect biologically relevant allelic expression at genes that have ...
Allelic expression signal from a population of monoclonal versus polyclonal cells. In the latter, st...
QC measures reduce overdispersion in technical replicates when testing for allelic imbalance using a...
Use of fSNPd and the Supplementary Figure. This firstly documents the instructions for the installat...
Figure S1. a–c The distribution of Tajima’s D for DNase footprint SNPs in each subpopulation. d Over...
Allele frequency for non-reproducible false positive variants. Allele frequency (VF â x axis) is p...
Pearson correlations (y-axis) of number of ROH, mean ROH size and mean sum of ROH between array data...
Figure S1. SNP calling result using mouse embryonic scRNA-seq data. Figure S2. A cartoon illustratin...
Summary of publications and tools that analyze AE data, listing their specific application, the type...
Table S1. Number of high-quality biallelic variants in GENOME, EXOME, BEADCHIP, and HUN-EXOM dataset...
Distribution of genetic heritability estimates for gene expression levels of A) all probes (n = 18,1...