Table listing the number of sequences observed in the study (including total, unique, productive, and non-productive) that used each V gene segment in each individual. (XLSX 1183 kb
Table S4. Primers for sequencing the regions, containing DArTseq-derived SNPs. (XLSX 343 kb
Quality assessment of the gene datasets used for phylogenetic analysis: N50 and size of the correspo...
Study-specific Methods Section for the Replication Section. Table S1. Replication Results for C-Reac...
MPRA oligo annotation - File containing annotation information used to associate unique barcode tags...
Gene set enrichment analysis of SRP016568. The file contains an XLSX spreadsheet summarizing the top...
The Blastn e-value distributions of shuffled sequences and 193 lincRNAs (see Methods). (PDF 5Â kb
Distribution of genetic heritability estimates for gene expression levels of A) all probes (n = 18,1...
This file includes: detailed information from data used, including statistical information of reads ...
List of primer sequences used for amplifying solo LTR and provirus alleles shown in Fig. 3. (PDF 12...
Table S1. WGS of mouse strains mapped to human. Number of sequence reads from 3 mouse strains mapped...
Gene modules inferred from WGCNA analysis of microarray time-course. Expression fold changes and ass...
Table S1. A table listing the gRNAs sequences targeting the promoter regions for the named genes. Th...
List of 840 inflammatory response genes based on three manually curated databases: inflammatory resp...
The numbers of CTXs in each sample after filtering process and chromosome coordinates of all CTXs. 1...
The putative orthologs of human lincRNAs in the nine analyzed species. (XLSX 1397Â kb
Table S4. Primers for sequencing the regions, containing DArTseq-derived SNPs. (XLSX 343 kb
Quality assessment of the gene datasets used for phylogenetic analysis: N50 and size of the correspo...
Study-specific Methods Section for the Replication Section. Table S1. Replication Results for C-Reac...
MPRA oligo annotation - File containing annotation information used to associate unique barcode tags...
Gene set enrichment analysis of SRP016568. The file contains an XLSX spreadsheet summarizing the top...
The Blastn e-value distributions of shuffled sequences and 193 lincRNAs (see Methods). (PDF 5Â kb
Distribution of genetic heritability estimates for gene expression levels of A) all probes (n = 18,1...
This file includes: detailed information from data used, including statistical information of reads ...
List of primer sequences used for amplifying solo LTR and provirus alleles shown in Fig. 3. (PDF 12...
Table S1. WGS of mouse strains mapped to human. Number of sequence reads from 3 mouse strains mapped...
Gene modules inferred from WGCNA analysis of microarray time-course. Expression fold changes and ass...
Table S1. A table listing the gRNAs sequences targeting the promoter regions for the named genes. Th...
List of 840 inflammatory response genes based on three manually curated databases: inflammatory resp...
The numbers of CTXs in each sample after filtering process and chromosome coordinates of all CTXs. 1...
The putative orthologs of human lincRNAs in the nine analyzed species. (XLSX 1397Â kb
Table S4. Primers for sequencing the regions, containing DArTseq-derived SNPs. (XLSX 343 kb
Quality assessment of the gene datasets used for phylogenetic analysis: N50 and size of the correspo...
Study-specific Methods Section for the Replication Section. Table S1. Replication Results for C-Reac...