Additional file 2: Table S2. List of proteins and their corresponding peptides identified in the study
Figure S5. Correlation between serum metabolites and synovial MMP1, MMP3, and IL-6. (TIFF 14826 kb
Figure S1. Location of differently enriched protein spots. Table S1. Averages of spot intensities of...
Table S1. Proteins significantly altered in CSF of polyarthritis patients after 8 weeks of inflixima...
Additional file 3: Table S3. Details of proteins identified in the study with reports on whether or ...
Proteins identified with DDA. Table containing all proteins with at least two unique peptides per pr...
Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoinflammatory disorder that affects small join...
A) Protein report for MS analysis of 5 Wild-type femur lysates showing 2108 protein identifications ...
Additional file 2: Table S2. Dipeptide composition distribution between proinflammatory and non proi...
In the Supplemental Material Section presented are the total laser-microdissection (LMD) areas (Supp...
Figure S1. PLS-DA was performed on proteomic data. Figure S2. Overlap between proteins detected in C...
Figure S1. Correlation between synovial markers and serum metabolites. (TIFF 14826 kb
Additional file 2. Table S1. List of identified proteins. MS information on identified and quantitat...
Additional file 2. Table S1. Proteins identified in colorectal tumors and normal mucosa
Early administration of therapeutic agents is a leading approach to impede the progressive destructi...
Additional file 1: Supplementary Table S1. Cyclic human COL2 peptide sequences (ACC10 and their corr...
Figure S5. Correlation between serum metabolites and synovial MMP1, MMP3, and IL-6. (TIFF 14826 kb
Figure S1. Location of differently enriched protein spots. Table S1. Averages of spot intensities of...
Table S1. Proteins significantly altered in CSF of polyarthritis patients after 8 weeks of inflixima...
Additional file 3: Table S3. Details of proteins identified in the study with reports on whether or ...
Proteins identified with DDA. Table containing all proteins with at least two unique peptides per pr...
Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoinflammatory disorder that affects small join...
A) Protein report for MS analysis of 5 Wild-type femur lysates showing 2108 protein identifications ...
Additional file 2: Table S2. Dipeptide composition distribution between proinflammatory and non proi...
In the Supplemental Material Section presented are the total laser-microdissection (LMD) areas (Supp...
Figure S1. PLS-DA was performed on proteomic data. Figure S2. Overlap between proteins detected in C...
Figure S1. Correlation between synovial markers and serum metabolites. (TIFF 14826 kb
Additional file 2. Table S1. List of identified proteins. MS information on identified and quantitat...
Additional file 2. Table S1. Proteins identified in colorectal tumors and normal mucosa
Early administration of therapeutic agents is a leading approach to impede the progressive destructi...
Additional file 1: Supplementary Table S1. Cyclic human COL2 peptide sequences (ACC10 and their corr...
Figure S5. Correlation between serum metabolites and synovial MMP1, MMP3, and IL-6. (TIFF 14826 kb
Figure S1. Location of differently enriched protein spots. Table S1. Averages of spot intensities of...
Table S1. Proteins significantly altered in CSF of polyarthritis patients after 8 weeks of inflixima...