Alternative model forms and model statistics for relationships between time since fire and vital attributes
Decomposition of life table response experiment effects (Appendix C) into contributions by vital rat...
Model selection, sources of variation, effects of natal status, and summary statistics
Tables of detailed results of the structural equation model including fit statistics and tables of r...
Model statistics comparing total duct area before and after one fire, before and after frequent fire...
Parameters of fire regimes and empirical models of carbon accumulation with stand age for environmen...
Tables of life-history parameters associated with population models depicted in Figs. 1 and 2
Life history data and model parameters for all species considered in this analysis
Understanding fire-related redwood mortality through model comparisons of fire severity indicators a...
Comparison of capture–recapture models with different age structures for transition probabilities
An explanation of the fitting of the cause-specific mortality rates model with the MARK program
Relationships between changes in extinction time associated with actuarial senescence and life histo...
<p>Supplemental material, Appendix for Adjustment for time-dependent unmeasured confounders in margi...
A table showing regression coefficients for total cover vs. environmental parameters for the first f...
Model-averaged estimates of age-specific mortality, survivorship, net reproductive rate, life expect...
Results of fourth-corner correlation analyses comparing species characteristics with time since fire...
Decomposition of life table response experiment effects (Appendix C) into contributions by vital rat...
Model selection, sources of variation, effects of natal status, and summary statistics
Tables of detailed results of the structural equation model including fit statistics and tables of r...
Model statistics comparing total duct area before and after one fire, before and after frequent fire...
Parameters of fire regimes and empirical models of carbon accumulation with stand age for environmen...
Tables of life-history parameters associated with population models depicted in Figs. 1 and 2
Life history data and model parameters for all species considered in this analysis
Understanding fire-related redwood mortality through model comparisons of fire severity indicators a...
Comparison of capture–recapture models with different age structures for transition probabilities
An explanation of the fitting of the cause-specific mortality rates model with the MARK program
Relationships between changes in extinction time associated with actuarial senescence and life histo...
<p>Supplemental material, Appendix for Adjustment for time-dependent unmeasured confounders in margi...
A table showing regression coefficients for total cover vs. environmental parameters for the first f...
Model-averaged estimates of age-specific mortality, survivorship, net reproductive rate, life expect...
Results of fourth-corner correlation analyses comparing species characteristics with time since fire...
Decomposition of life table response experiment effects (Appendix C) into contributions by vital rat...
Model selection, sources of variation, effects of natal status, and summary statistics
Tables of detailed results of the structural equation model including fit statistics and tables of r...