Understanding fire-related redwood mortality through model comparisons of fire severity indicators and estimates of fireline intensities for stands in different stages of the disease progression
Model statistics comparing total duct area before and after one fire, before and after frequent fire...
Supplemental information on tree-ring reconstruction of pre-outbreak basal area and outbreak severit...
Hierarchical partitioning and species distribution model (SDM) accuracy results when considering num...
Description of the study area, sampling locations, fire weather conditions, burn severity, and tree ...
Time series of bark beetle-attributed tree mortality in the Red Rock Complex Fire
Figures showing trait correlations between mortality rate and functional traits of tree species at f...
Parameters of fire regimes and empirical models of carbon accumulation with stand age for environmen...
Details and citations for literature used for meta-analysis of bird and small-mammal response to fir...
One figure and four ANOVA tables for damage to shrub leaves and stems during fires
A color version of Plate 1 showing the juxtaposition of a dense ponderosa pine stand that regenerate...
Alternative model forms and model statistics for relationships between time since fire and vital att...
A list of matrices representing the effects of elephant damage, fire damage, and growth across tree ...
A table showing the effects of fire severity (mixed severity, high severity, unburned) on overall sp...
A figure showing the variability in timing of white spruce regeneration between stands within fires
Figures showing results of baseline (no bark beetle disturbance) simulations, the full set of bark b...
Model statistics comparing total duct area before and after one fire, before and after frequent fire...
Supplemental information on tree-ring reconstruction of pre-outbreak basal area and outbreak severit...
Hierarchical partitioning and species distribution model (SDM) accuracy results when considering num...
Description of the study area, sampling locations, fire weather conditions, burn severity, and tree ...
Time series of bark beetle-attributed tree mortality in the Red Rock Complex Fire
Figures showing trait correlations between mortality rate and functional traits of tree species at f...
Parameters of fire regimes and empirical models of carbon accumulation with stand age for environmen...
Details and citations for literature used for meta-analysis of bird and small-mammal response to fir...
One figure and four ANOVA tables for damage to shrub leaves and stems during fires
A color version of Plate 1 showing the juxtaposition of a dense ponderosa pine stand that regenerate...
Alternative model forms and model statistics for relationships between time since fire and vital att...
A list of matrices representing the effects of elephant damage, fire damage, and growth across tree ...
A table showing the effects of fire severity (mixed severity, high severity, unburned) on overall sp...
A figure showing the variability in timing of white spruce regeneration between stands within fires
Figures showing results of baseline (no bark beetle disturbance) simulations, the full set of bark b...
Model statistics comparing total duct area before and after one fire, before and after frequent fire...
Supplemental information on tree-ring reconstruction of pre-outbreak basal area and outbreak severit...
Hierarchical partitioning and species distribution model (SDM) accuracy results when considering num...