Results of fourth-corner correlation analyses comparing species characteristics with time since fire and distance from the forest
A table summarizing sensitivity analysis of recovery time estimates for species richness, Sorenson s...
Figuresand tables showing the absolute biomass of organisms, the effect of latitudinal location, the...
Supplementary results: species level comparisons and the effects of occupation duration on the cover...
Results of fourth-corner analyses for plant traits and environmental variables in two time periods
Figures showing trait correlations between relative diameter growth rate and functional traits of tr...
Figures showing trait correlations between mortality rate and functional traits of tree species at f...
Pearson correlations between leaf traits across all species within growth forms, and species from di...
Species-specific effect sizes, with 95% confidence intervals and sample sizes, for the response of b...
Relationship between structural and temporal forest variables and beetle community structure (transf...
Correlations among plant richness, plant biomass, and soil edaphic characteristics
Supplementary Results: tabulation of standardized coefficients for species and year effect, analyses...
Figures showing mean species richness as a function of time span and area for each data set
Graphical presentation of species relative biomass by fire frequency treatment in the Cedar Creek Ec...
Select partial Mantel tests showing correlations among community dissimilarity (1–J, full suite of s...
Detailed descriptions of the associations between species’ life history traits and environmental var...
A table summarizing sensitivity analysis of recovery time estimates for species richness, Sorenson s...
Figuresand tables showing the absolute biomass of organisms, the effect of latitudinal location, the...
Supplementary results: species level comparisons and the effects of occupation duration on the cover...
Results of fourth-corner analyses for plant traits and environmental variables in two time periods
Figures showing trait correlations between relative diameter growth rate and functional traits of tr...
Figures showing trait correlations between mortality rate and functional traits of tree species at f...
Pearson correlations between leaf traits across all species within growth forms, and species from di...
Species-specific effect sizes, with 95% confidence intervals and sample sizes, for the response of b...
Relationship between structural and temporal forest variables and beetle community structure (transf...
Correlations among plant richness, plant biomass, and soil edaphic characteristics
Supplementary Results: tabulation of standardized coefficients for species and year effect, analyses...
Figures showing mean species richness as a function of time span and area for each data set
Graphical presentation of species relative biomass by fire frequency treatment in the Cedar Creek Ec...
Select partial Mantel tests showing correlations among community dissimilarity (1–J, full suite of s...
Detailed descriptions of the associations between species’ life history traits and environmental var...
A table summarizing sensitivity analysis of recovery time estimates for species richness, Sorenson s...
Figuresand tables showing the absolute biomass of organisms, the effect of latitudinal location, the...
Supplementary results: species level comparisons and the effects of occupation duration on the cover...