<p>VC (A-C), GO 18 μg/mouse (D-F) or rGO 162 μg/mouse (G-I). (A-C) No pathological changes. (D-F) GO appeared as dark-brown pigments. Scattered prominent perivascular lymphoid accumulation (PVLA). Granuloma formation (GL) containing GO and macrophages with GO in alveoli (black arrows). Rare prominent perivascular lymphocytic accumulation (AGE). (G-I) Scarce accumulation of compact black rGO agglomerates (red arrows) and minimal tissue reactions.</p
<p>H&E staining. (A)- Mouse lung from the control group (CG) inoculated orally with milk not contami...
<p>Pulmonary parenchyma from mice with reactivated infection, sacrificed 3 days after the end of dex...
<p>Light photomicrographs of representative histologic lung sections (<a href="http://www.plosmedici...
<p>VC (A, B) and GO 162 μg/mouse (C, D, E, F). (A and B) No pathological changes. (C) Patchy appeara...
<p>The scale on the graph above was 50 µm; date was day3, day7, day28. Lung sections were stained wi...
Lung histopathology scores for the morphological findings in A/J mice at 1 day post-exposure to GMAW...
Lung tissues (n = 5 per group) were collected from individual mice and tissue section were stained w...
<p>Lung histopathology was examined by hematoxylin and eosin staining in (A) mice i.m. vaccinated w...
<p>Six mice per group were sacrificed at the indicated times postinoculation, and their lung section...
<p>(A) Representative lung parenchyma from an air-control <i>p66</i><sup><i>Shc−/−</i></sup> mouse s...
<p>Normal mouse lungs (A, B). On day 4 p.i., dropout of mucous epithelium and inflammatory cells adh...
<p>The collected lung tissue samples from each group of mice at 4 d.p.i. were subjected to routine h...
<p>Wild-type mouse lung (A, E) shows small granulomas containing multinucleated giant cells, memTNF<...
Representative liver for H&E staining that shows control (A) and CDAA-HF-T(−) (B and C). (B) Multipl...
<p>Representative results of H&E staining of lung tissue from mice in the bleomycin-induced lung inj...
<p>H&E staining. (A)- Mouse lung from the control group (CG) inoculated orally with milk not contami...
<p>Pulmonary parenchyma from mice with reactivated infection, sacrificed 3 days after the end of dex...
<p>Light photomicrographs of representative histologic lung sections (<a href="http://www.plosmedici...
<p>VC (A, B) and GO 162 μg/mouse (C, D, E, F). (A and B) No pathological changes. (C) Patchy appeara...
<p>The scale on the graph above was 50 µm; date was day3, day7, day28. Lung sections were stained wi...
Lung histopathology scores for the morphological findings in A/J mice at 1 day post-exposure to GMAW...
Lung tissues (n = 5 per group) were collected from individual mice and tissue section were stained w...
<p>Lung histopathology was examined by hematoxylin and eosin staining in (A) mice i.m. vaccinated w...
<p>Six mice per group were sacrificed at the indicated times postinoculation, and their lung section...
<p>(A) Representative lung parenchyma from an air-control <i>p66</i><sup><i>Shc−/−</i></sup> mouse s...
<p>Normal mouse lungs (A, B). On day 4 p.i., dropout of mucous epithelium and inflammatory cells adh...
<p>The collected lung tissue samples from each group of mice at 4 d.p.i. were subjected to routine h...
<p>Wild-type mouse lung (A, E) shows small granulomas containing multinucleated giant cells, memTNF<...
Representative liver for H&E staining that shows control (A) and CDAA-HF-T(−) (B and C). (B) Multipl...
<p>Representative results of H&E staining of lung tissue from mice in the bleomycin-induced lung inj...
<p>H&E staining. (A)- Mouse lung from the control group (CG) inoculated orally with milk not contami...
<p>Pulmonary parenchyma from mice with reactivated infection, sacrificed 3 days after the end of dex...
<p>Light photomicrographs of representative histologic lung sections (<a href="http://www.plosmedici...