The first two principal coponents for the genomic relationship matrix comprising individuals used for genome-wide association of calving traits (A) Calving ease direct (B) Calving ease maternal (C) Stillbirth direct (D) Stillbirth maternal (E) Birth weight direct (F) Birth weight maternal (G) Gestation length direct (H) Gestation length maternal. (PNG 816Â kb
SNPs with Bonferroni corrected p-values higher than 0.05 (−log10(p) ≥ 8.50) for the milk yield. Colu...
Figure S7. Single-SNP Manhattan plots for the percentage of genetic variance adsorbed for each trait...
Figure S6. Single-SNP Manhattan plots for the percentage of genetic variance adsorbed for each trait...
Distribution of reliabilities of estimated breeding values for calving traits. CEd: Calving ease dir...
The first two principal coponents for the genomic relationship matrix comprising individuals used fo...
GWAS for calving ease using stature as a covariate. The red line marks the Bonferroni corrected sign...
Minor allele frequency per breed among sequenced individuals for ASCC2 and GAS2L1. (XLSX 44Â kb
Association on BTA19 for stillbirth using only individuals not carrying BH2 (top) or using BH2 carri...
Genome-wide association analysis and quantile-quantile (Q-Q) of P-values of SNPs from single SNP reg...
Excel file describing highly significant SNPs (genome-wise FDR ≤ 5 %, FDR ≤ 1% and genome-wise Bonfe...
Figure S3. Manhattan plots for PVg averaged across traits (Var). The green circles correspond to SNP...
Common significant SNPs (genome-wise 1Â % FDR) identified among all fertility related traits (CTFS a...
SNPs significantly associated with Fertility index in the Nordic Red Cattle. A genome wide associati...
Figure S9. Single-SNP Manhattan plots for the percentage of genetic variance adsorbed for each trait...
Figure S8. Single-SNP Manhattan plots for the percentage of genetic variance adsorbed for each trait...
SNPs with Bonferroni corrected p-values higher than 0.05 (−log10(p) ≥ 8.50) for the milk yield. Colu...
Figure S7. Single-SNP Manhattan plots for the percentage of genetic variance adsorbed for each trait...
Figure S6. Single-SNP Manhattan plots for the percentage of genetic variance adsorbed for each trait...
Distribution of reliabilities of estimated breeding values for calving traits. CEd: Calving ease dir...
The first two principal coponents for the genomic relationship matrix comprising individuals used fo...
GWAS for calving ease using stature as a covariate. The red line marks the Bonferroni corrected sign...
Minor allele frequency per breed among sequenced individuals for ASCC2 and GAS2L1. (XLSX 44Â kb
Association on BTA19 for stillbirth using only individuals not carrying BH2 (top) or using BH2 carri...
Genome-wide association analysis and quantile-quantile (Q-Q) of P-values of SNPs from single SNP reg...
Excel file describing highly significant SNPs (genome-wise FDR ≤ 5 %, FDR ≤ 1% and genome-wise Bonfe...
Figure S3. Manhattan plots for PVg averaged across traits (Var). The green circles correspond to SNP...
Common significant SNPs (genome-wise 1Â % FDR) identified among all fertility related traits (CTFS a...
SNPs significantly associated with Fertility index in the Nordic Red Cattle. A genome wide associati...
Figure S9. Single-SNP Manhattan plots for the percentage of genetic variance adsorbed for each trait...
Figure S8. Single-SNP Manhattan plots for the percentage of genetic variance adsorbed for each trait...
SNPs with Bonferroni corrected p-values higher than 0.05 (−log10(p) ≥ 8.50) for the milk yield. Colu...
Figure S7. Single-SNP Manhattan plots for the percentage of genetic variance adsorbed for each trait...
Figure S6. Single-SNP Manhattan plots for the percentage of genetic variance adsorbed for each trait...