SNPs significantly associated with Fertility index in the Nordic Red Cattle. A genome wide association scan was performed on the Nordic Red Cattle for the fertility index. SNPs were considered significant at Bonferroni corrected P-value < 0.05 (−log10(P) > 8.25). (TXT 1811 kb
GWAS for calving ease using stature as a covariate. The red line marks the Bonferroni corrected sign...
Table S1. Estimates of phenotypic correlations (upper diagonals) and genetic correlation (lower diag...
Figure S2. Distribution of -Log10 P-values from single SNP analyses for natural antibody isotype IgG...
SNPs with Bonferroni corrected p-values higher than 0.05 (−log10(p) ≥ 8.50) for the fat yield. Colum...
SNPs with Bonferroni corrected p-values higher than 0.05 (−log10(p) ≥ 8.50) for the milk yield. Colu...
Genome-wide association analysis and quantile-quantile (Q-Q) of P-values of SNPs from single SNP reg...
List of variations tested by fixing the effect of the variation in question. (TXT 226 bytes
Excel file describing highly significant SNPs (genome-wise FDR ≤ 5 %, FDR ≤ 1% and genome-wise Bonfe...
BTA5, −log10(p) values plotted against the genomic positions for each trait. (PNG 306 kb
Common significant SNPs (genome-wise 1Â % FDR) identified among all fertility related traits (CTFS a...
Gene networks generated by the IPA® platform for fat yield (a) and fertility index (b). Genes marked...
BTA26, −log10(p) values plotted against the genomic positions for each trait. (PNG 523 kb
BTA19, −log10(p) values plotted against the genomic positions for each trait. (PNG 456 kb
BTA25, −log10(p) values plotted against the genomic positions for each trait. (PNG 473 kb
Excel file describing highly significant SNPs (genome-wise FDR ≤ 5 %, FDR ≤ 1% and genome-wise Bonfe...
GWAS for calving ease using stature as a covariate. The red line marks the Bonferroni corrected sign...
Table S1. Estimates of phenotypic correlations (upper diagonals) and genetic correlation (lower diag...
Figure S2. Distribution of -Log10 P-values from single SNP analyses for natural antibody isotype IgG...
SNPs with Bonferroni corrected p-values higher than 0.05 (−log10(p) ≥ 8.50) for the fat yield. Colum...
SNPs with Bonferroni corrected p-values higher than 0.05 (−log10(p) ≥ 8.50) for the milk yield. Colu...
Genome-wide association analysis and quantile-quantile (Q-Q) of P-values of SNPs from single SNP reg...
List of variations tested by fixing the effect of the variation in question. (TXT 226 bytes
Excel file describing highly significant SNPs (genome-wise FDR ≤ 5 %, FDR ≤ 1% and genome-wise Bonfe...
BTA5, −log10(p) values plotted against the genomic positions for each trait. (PNG 306 kb
Common significant SNPs (genome-wise 1Â % FDR) identified among all fertility related traits (CTFS a...
Gene networks generated by the IPA® platform for fat yield (a) and fertility index (b). Genes marked...
BTA26, −log10(p) values plotted against the genomic positions for each trait. (PNG 523 kb
BTA19, −log10(p) values plotted against the genomic positions for each trait. (PNG 456 kb
BTA25, −log10(p) values plotted against the genomic positions for each trait. (PNG 473 kb
Excel file describing highly significant SNPs (genome-wise FDR ≤ 5 %, FDR ≤ 1% and genome-wise Bonfe...
GWAS for calving ease using stature as a covariate. The red line marks the Bonferroni corrected sign...
Table S1. Estimates of phenotypic correlations (upper diagonals) and genetic correlation (lower diag...
Figure S2. Distribution of -Log10 P-values from single SNP analyses for natural antibody isotype IgG...