This paper discusses a modern, especially pragmatist, variant of the Kantian issue of the mind- or scheme-dependence of ontology. It is suggested that the distinction between scheme-dependence and scheme-independence in (pragmatist) transcendental metaphysics is itself contextual, not absolute, and that this contextuality is a “transcendental fact” about our practice-embedded world-constitutive activities.Ovaj članak razmatra modernu, posebice pragmatičku, varijantu kantovskog problema umske ili shematske uvjetovanosti ontologije. Tvrdi se da je razlika između shematske uvjetovanosti i shematske neuvjetovanosti u (pragmatičkoj) transcendentalnoj metafizici kontekstualna, ne apsolutna, i da je takva kontekstualnost »transcendentalna činjenic...
Filozofija se shvaća kao neodvojivi dio ljudskog života i jedno od najznačajnijih kulturnih po stign...
U ovome radu autor komparativno promišlja o pitanju kojim su se bavili Giordano Bruno i Ibn Rušd (Av...
Cilj je rada pokazati da Ibsenove drame Hedda Gabler i Kada se mi mrtvi probudimo općenito podržavaj...
The essay reassess Sartre’s work as a philosophical synthesis of thought and struggle, in which auth...
The article examines the inadequacies of different approaches in defining the concept of law in lega...
U ovom radu estetika prirode predstavlja se u kontekstu njena oživljavanja u suvremenoj filozofiji. ...
The first Slavic version of the mediaeval Life of St Wenceslaus (FSL) offers myriad opportunities fo...
As a philosophical paradigm, differential heterogenesis offers us a novel descriptive vantage with w...
Wo und wie werden komplexe Regelsätze im Gehirn repräsentiert? Drei empirische Studien dieser Doktor...
In the paper authors examine Wittgenstein’s standpoint “the meaning of a word is its use in an utter...
This paper discusses a postulated non-sound change-based development derived from the detection of a...
U ovom radu istražujem tjelesnu dimenziju osnovnih oblika društvene spoznaje. Argumentiram da raspra...
Frank Jackson’s knowledge argument and different conceivability arguments, advanced by Saul Kripke, ...
This paper examines Ludwig Klages’ graphology. First, we discuss the status of graphology in his phi...
Of the plural dimensions of collective identity, this paper explores identity as a rhetorical device...
Filozofija se shvaća kao neodvojivi dio ljudskog života i jedno od najznačajnijih kulturnih po stign...
U ovome radu autor komparativno promišlja o pitanju kojim su se bavili Giordano Bruno i Ibn Rušd (Av...
Cilj je rada pokazati da Ibsenove drame Hedda Gabler i Kada se mi mrtvi probudimo općenito podržavaj...
The essay reassess Sartre’s work as a philosophical synthesis of thought and struggle, in which auth...
The article examines the inadequacies of different approaches in defining the concept of law in lega...
U ovom radu estetika prirode predstavlja se u kontekstu njena oživljavanja u suvremenoj filozofiji. ...
The first Slavic version of the mediaeval Life of St Wenceslaus (FSL) offers myriad opportunities fo...
As a philosophical paradigm, differential heterogenesis offers us a novel descriptive vantage with w...
Wo und wie werden komplexe Regelsätze im Gehirn repräsentiert? Drei empirische Studien dieser Doktor...
In the paper authors examine Wittgenstein’s standpoint “the meaning of a word is its use in an utter...
This paper discusses a postulated non-sound change-based development derived from the detection of a...
U ovom radu istražujem tjelesnu dimenziju osnovnih oblika društvene spoznaje. Argumentiram da raspra...
Frank Jackson’s knowledge argument and different conceivability arguments, advanced by Saul Kripke, ...
This paper examines Ludwig Klages’ graphology. First, we discuss the status of graphology in his phi...
Of the plural dimensions of collective identity, this paper explores identity as a rhetorical device...
Filozofija se shvaća kao neodvojivi dio ljudskog života i jedno od najznačajnijih kulturnih po stign...
U ovome radu autor komparativno promišlja o pitanju kojim su se bavili Giordano Bruno i Ibn Rušd (Av...
Cilj je rada pokazati da Ibsenove drame Hedda Gabler i Kada se mi mrtvi probudimo općenito podržavaj...