Ratih Septiyani. H 0204016. THE Effectivity Of Inhibition Paraserianthes Falcataria, Acacia Auriculiformis, And Zingiber Officinalis Litter Toward Nitrification Potential And Activity Of Nitrifying Bacteria In Alfisols, Jumantono. Nitrification in soil must be controlled, because it make inefficient nitrogen fertilizing, stimulate base cation has been leach. So it causes decrease base saturation and increase acidity in soil. Efforts to control nitrification indirectly can be achieved by control litter quality input. Litter quality will influences nitrifcation because NH4 + of the soil will be soon immobilized by heterotrof microbial during litter decomposition. The purposes of this experiment were a). to learn the effect of litter ...
Two kind of animal feed consist of forage and concentrate. Concentrate have an expensive price so f...
Sejak jaman dahulu jahe sudah dimanfaatkan sebagai tanaman obat, salah satu manfaat jahe yaitu memi...
INTISARI Kristian Setyo Ardhito, 2020, NIT : 52155833.T, “Analisis Keretakan Cylinder Liner pada m...
Nitrification can decreased of N soil and N fertilizer and caused environmental problems such as eu...
The government’s policy of autonomy for area supposes every area to have capability in developing ...
Fish consumption rate in Indonesia still very low. To increase fish consumption, oughto be made so...
The aims of this research were to (1) know correlation between kind and dosage of fertilizier which...
The high quality feed with sufficient quantity is needed by the livestock to gain an optimal produc...
Cookies is one of cake with it’s main ingredients is wheat flour. Until this moment, wheat flour re...
Adlays contain phytochemical compounds that beneficial to health i.e: coixol, coixans, coi...
INDONESIA: Grief merupakan respon emosional kehilangan yang dialami individu ketika orang yang di...
INTISARI Yudatriyana, Hadyan Permana. 52155600 N. 2020. “Analisis Ketidaksesuaian Free Gas Oper...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji Pengaruh Kualitas Situs Web Pada Loyalitas Online dan Persep...
NDT (Non Destructive Test) adalah aktifitas tes atau inspeksi terhadap suatu benda untuk mengetahui ...
ABSTRAKSI Indrianto, Agung Prasetyo Yudha, 52155553 N, 2020, “Analisis Pemuatan Container di ...
Two kind of animal feed consist of forage and concentrate. Concentrate have an expensive price so f...
Sejak jaman dahulu jahe sudah dimanfaatkan sebagai tanaman obat, salah satu manfaat jahe yaitu memi...
INTISARI Kristian Setyo Ardhito, 2020, NIT : 52155833.T, “Analisis Keretakan Cylinder Liner pada m...
Nitrification can decreased of N soil and N fertilizer and caused environmental problems such as eu...
The government’s policy of autonomy for area supposes every area to have capability in developing ...
Fish consumption rate in Indonesia still very low. To increase fish consumption, oughto be made so...
The aims of this research were to (1) know correlation between kind and dosage of fertilizier which...
The high quality feed with sufficient quantity is needed by the livestock to gain an optimal produc...
Cookies is one of cake with it’s main ingredients is wheat flour. Until this moment, wheat flour re...
Adlays contain phytochemical compounds that beneficial to health i.e: coixol, coixans, coi...
INDONESIA: Grief merupakan respon emosional kehilangan yang dialami individu ketika orang yang di...
INTISARI Yudatriyana, Hadyan Permana. 52155600 N. 2020. “Analisis Ketidaksesuaian Free Gas Oper...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji Pengaruh Kualitas Situs Web Pada Loyalitas Online dan Persep...
NDT (Non Destructive Test) adalah aktifitas tes atau inspeksi terhadap suatu benda untuk mengetahui ...
ABSTRAKSI Indrianto, Agung Prasetyo Yudha, 52155553 N, 2020, “Analisis Pemuatan Container di ...
Two kind of animal feed consist of forage and concentrate. Concentrate have an expensive price so f...
Sejak jaman dahulu jahe sudah dimanfaatkan sebagai tanaman obat, salah satu manfaat jahe yaitu memi...
INTISARI Kristian Setyo Ardhito, 2020, NIT : 52155833.T, “Analisis Keretakan Cylinder Liner pada m...