The rapid progress in semiconductor technology have led the feature sizes of transistor to be shrunk there by evolution of Deep Sub-Micron (DSM) technology; there by the extremely complex functionality is enabled to be integrated on a single chip. In the growing market of mobile hand-held devices used all over the world today, the battery-powered electronic system forms the backbone. To maximize the battery life, the tremendous computational capacity of portable devices such as notebook computers, personal communication devices (mobile phones, pocket PCs, PDAs), hearing aids and implantable pacemakers has to be realized with very low power requirements. Leakage power consumption is one of the major technical problem in DSM in CMOS circuit d...
ABSTRACT: In most recent CMOS feature sizes (e.g., 90nm and 45nm), leakage power dissipation has bec...
Technology scaling has taken circuit performance to unprecedented levels in the deep submicron regim...
Static power consumption is a major concern in nanometre technologies. Along with technology scaling...
Leakage power has become a serious concern in nanometer CMOS technologies and is a very important is...
AbstractThe leakage power dissipation has become one of the most challenging issues in low power VLS...
Complementary metal-oxide semiconductors (CMOS), stack, sleep and sleepy keeper techniques are used ...
Most of the portable systems, such as cellular communication devices, and laptop computers operate f...
Power dissipation in one of the major concerns of VLSI circuit designers with the launch of battery ...
Power consumption is a major issue in today’s VLSI technology. Earlier power consumption was of seco...
Abstract — Leakage power dissipation has become a sizable proportion of the total power dissipation ...
Power dissipation is a key consideration in the design of nano-scale CMOS VLSI circuits. Various tec...
An electronic system/appliance/portable device with high speed, low power, and feasible area has bec...
<p>CMOS technology is the key element in the development of VLSI systems since it consumes less powe...
A rapid growth in semiconductor technology and increasing demand for portable devices powered up by ...
Scaling of CMOS technology has enabled a phenomenal growth in computing capability throughout the la...
ABSTRACT: In most recent CMOS feature sizes (e.g., 90nm and 45nm), leakage power dissipation has bec...
Technology scaling has taken circuit performance to unprecedented levels in the deep submicron regim...
Static power consumption is a major concern in nanometre technologies. Along with technology scaling...
Leakage power has become a serious concern in nanometer CMOS technologies and is a very important is...
AbstractThe leakage power dissipation has become one of the most challenging issues in low power VLS...
Complementary metal-oxide semiconductors (CMOS), stack, sleep and sleepy keeper techniques are used ...
Most of the portable systems, such as cellular communication devices, and laptop computers operate f...
Power dissipation in one of the major concerns of VLSI circuit designers with the launch of battery ...
Power consumption is a major issue in today’s VLSI technology. Earlier power consumption was of seco...
Abstract — Leakage power dissipation has become a sizable proportion of the total power dissipation ...
Power dissipation is a key consideration in the design of nano-scale CMOS VLSI circuits. Various tec...
An electronic system/appliance/portable device with high speed, low power, and feasible area has bec...
<p>CMOS technology is the key element in the development of VLSI systems since it consumes less powe...
A rapid growth in semiconductor technology and increasing demand for portable devices powered up by ...
Scaling of CMOS technology has enabled a phenomenal growth in computing capability throughout the la...
ABSTRACT: In most recent CMOS feature sizes (e.g., 90nm and 45nm), leakage power dissipation has bec...
Technology scaling has taken circuit performance to unprecedented levels in the deep submicron regim...
Static power consumption is a major concern in nanometre technologies. Along with technology scaling...