The notation and definitions mostly follow [HBIR]. We remind some of them to make the note self-contained. For the sake of clarity, we restrict the discussion to the case of two players only. Everything extends to more players. 1.1 Type spaces Let Ω be a compact Polish space. A type space T over Ω is a tuple (Ti, µi)i=1,2, where Ti are measurable spaces and µi: Ti → ∆ (Ω × T−i) is a measurable mapping. If Ti can be given a topology under which Ti are Polish spaces and µi are Borel measurable, then we refer to T as a Polish type space. A belief-preserving type mapping between type spaces T, T ′ over Ω is a profile φ = (φi)i=1,2 of measurable mappings φi: Ti → T ′i such that for any player i, any type ti ∈ Ti, any measurable subset S0 ⊆ Ω, S...
Let K be a compact Hausdorff space and C(K) the Banach space of all real-valued contin-uous function...
The probabilistic type spaces in the sense of Harsanyi [Management Sci. 14 (1967/68) 159–182, 320–33...
In this paper, we provide a notion of structure preserving maps (i.e. knowledge-belief morphisms) b...
Several game theoretical topics require the analysis of hierarchical beliefs, particularly in incomp...
Several game theoretical topics require the analysis of hierarchical beliefs, particularly in incomp...
The concept of types was introduced by Harsányi[8]. In the literature there are two approaches for f...
In this paper we examine the existence of a universal (to be precise: terminal) type space when beli...
[This item is a preserved copy. To view the original, visit] We define and an...
Ordinary type spaces (Heifetz and Samet, 1998) are essential ingre-dients of incomplete information ...
When two or more players are engaged in a game with uncertainties, they need to consider what the ot...
We de\u85ne and analyze a "strategic topology " on types in the Harsanyi-Mertens-Zamir uni...
A Polish space is a separable topological space that can be metrized by means of a complete metric. ...
Ordinary type spaces (Heifetz and Samet, 1998) are essential ingredients of incomplete information g...
AbstractThis paper connects coalgebra with a long discussion in the foundations of game theory on th...
Abstract. Let X and Y be uncountable Polish spaces. A ⊂ X×Y represents a family of sets C provided e...
Let K be a compact Hausdorff space and C(K) the Banach space of all real-valued contin-uous function...
The probabilistic type spaces in the sense of Harsanyi [Management Sci. 14 (1967/68) 159–182, 320–33...
In this paper, we provide a notion of structure preserving maps (i.e. knowledge-belief morphisms) b...
Several game theoretical topics require the analysis of hierarchical beliefs, particularly in incomp...
Several game theoretical topics require the analysis of hierarchical beliefs, particularly in incomp...
The concept of types was introduced by Harsányi[8]. In the literature there are two approaches for f...
In this paper we examine the existence of a universal (to be precise: terminal) type space when beli...
[This item is a preserved copy. To view the original, visit] We define and an...
Ordinary type spaces (Heifetz and Samet, 1998) are essential ingre-dients of incomplete information ...
When two or more players are engaged in a game with uncertainties, they need to consider what the ot...
We de\u85ne and analyze a "strategic topology " on types in the Harsanyi-Mertens-Zamir uni...
A Polish space is a separable topological space that can be metrized by means of a complete metric. ...
Ordinary type spaces (Heifetz and Samet, 1998) are essential ingredients of incomplete information g...
AbstractThis paper connects coalgebra with a long discussion in the foundations of game theory on th...
Abstract. Let X and Y be uncountable Polish spaces. A ⊂ X×Y represents a family of sets C provided e...
Let K be a compact Hausdorff space and C(K) the Banach space of all real-valued contin-uous function...
The probabilistic type spaces in the sense of Harsanyi [Management Sci. 14 (1967/68) 159–182, 320–33...
In this paper, we provide a notion of structure preserving maps (i.e. knowledge-belief morphisms) b...