In high voltage and current applications, the power switch, IGBT has become more attractive due to its high voltage and current ratings than MOSFET. However, due to its slow turn-on and high turn-off losses it is unsuitable for high switching application. A newly developed device, CoolMos, using improved MOSFET feature, with lower RDS(ON) is introduced. Whilst turn-off switching loss is determined to be constant, the turn-on switching losses in these two power switches is found to be 78.5 % better in CoolMos. A conventional buck converter using IGBT (IRG4BC20W 6.5 A/600 V) and CoolMos (SPP07N60C3 7.3 A/650 V) were investigated to show that the total switching loss in the circuit could be significantly improved using CoolMos as the switch. A...
Silicon carbide (SiC) switching power devices (MOSFETs, JFETs) of 1200 V rating are now commercially...
In traction application, inverters need to have high reliability on account of wide variation in ope...
In this project, an experimental set-up was designed and constructed for the purpose of measuring sw...
In this paper, comparative study of MOSFET and COOLMOS in a high frequency inverter design is inves...
MOSFET transistors are continuously being an essential part of power electronic converters due to th...
This paper presents simulation and measurement loss determination results for different switching sc...
In power electronics, MOSFET transistors are continuously being important due to their low switching...
The article presents an analytical description of the turn-off process of the power MOSFET suitable ...
In power electronics, MOSFET transistors are continuously being important due to their low switching...
A variety of power devices are available to designers, each with specific advantages and limitations...
Accurate determination of power losses in semiconductor devices is important for optimal design and ...
New GaN and SiC wide bandgap power devices offer impressively fast switching performance compared to...
The tradeoff between the switching energy and electro-thermal robustness is explored for 1.2-kV SiC ...
AbstractThis paper introduces a configuration aimed at switching losses reduction through a power le...
This paper investigates the switching performance of six-pack SiC MOSFET and Si IGBT modules for mot...
Silicon carbide (SiC) switching power devices (MOSFETs, JFETs) of 1200 V rating are now commercially...
In traction application, inverters need to have high reliability on account of wide variation in ope...
In this project, an experimental set-up was designed and constructed for the purpose of measuring sw...
In this paper, comparative study of MOSFET and COOLMOS in a high frequency inverter design is inves...
MOSFET transistors are continuously being an essential part of power electronic converters due to th...
This paper presents simulation and measurement loss determination results for different switching sc...
In power electronics, MOSFET transistors are continuously being important due to their low switching...
The article presents an analytical description of the turn-off process of the power MOSFET suitable ...
In power electronics, MOSFET transistors are continuously being important due to their low switching...
A variety of power devices are available to designers, each with specific advantages and limitations...
Accurate determination of power losses in semiconductor devices is important for optimal design and ...
New GaN and SiC wide bandgap power devices offer impressively fast switching performance compared to...
The tradeoff between the switching energy and electro-thermal robustness is explored for 1.2-kV SiC ...
AbstractThis paper introduces a configuration aimed at switching losses reduction through a power le...
This paper investigates the switching performance of six-pack SiC MOSFET and Si IGBT modules for mot...
Silicon carbide (SiC) switching power devices (MOSFETs, JFETs) of 1200 V rating are now commercially...
In traction application, inverters need to have high reliability on account of wide variation in ope...
In this project, an experimental set-up was designed and constructed for the purpose of measuring sw...