In power electronics, MOSFET transistors are continuously being important due to their low switching losses at high frequencies. However, a regular power MOSFET suffers from a relatively low breakdown voltage. In the late 1990’s the super junction MOSFET transistor was launched. It combines the low on state losses of an IGBT and the low switching losses of a MOSFET. In this project CoolMOS transistors from Infineon Technologies has been used. These are based on the super junction topology. The purpose of this project was to design, build and evaluate a two quadrant step down DC/DC converter with CoolMOS transistors and silicon -carbide Schottky diodes as free wheeling diodes. Based on the results, conclusions will be made about the transist...
High temperature power converter becomes possible due to the development of SiC power technology. Th...
Silicon carbide (SiC) is seen as a potential replacement power semiconductor material because it ca...
In this thesis, next generation low-voltage integrated power semiconductor devices are proposed and ...
In power electronics, MOSFET transistors are continuously being important due to their low switching...
MOSFET transistors are continuously being an essential part of power electronic converters due to th...
In high voltage and current applications, the power switch, IGBT has become more attractive due to i...
The demand for high power density, high efficiency bus converters has increased interest in resonant...
In this paper, comparative study of MOSFET and COOLMOS in a high frequency inverter design is inves...
The CoolMOS™+ transistor is a power MOSFET type device that utilizes a “super-junction” embedded wit...
The tradeoff between the switching energy and electro-thermal robustness is explored for 1.2-kV SiC ...
Recently, 3.3 and 6.5 kV power MOSFETs have been introduced. Based on the 3.3 kV device, a 100 A hal...
In this thesis, a half-bridge module rated at 1.2 kV, 300, 175 °C A employing SiC MOSFETs and SiC Sc...
In this paper, dynamic switching performance at 1st quadrant and 3rd quadrant operation of Silicon a...
Parasitic inductances caused by the package of semiconductor devices in power converters, are limiti...
In this thesis, the performance of the full Silicon Carbide (SiC) half-bridge power module BSM120D12...
High temperature power converter becomes possible due to the development of SiC power technology. Th...
Silicon carbide (SiC) is seen as a potential replacement power semiconductor material because it ca...
In this thesis, next generation low-voltage integrated power semiconductor devices are proposed and ...
In power electronics, MOSFET transistors are continuously being important due to their low switching...
MOSFET transistors are continuously being an essential part of power electronic converters due to th...
In high voltage and current applications, the power switch, IGBT has become more attractive due to i...
The demand for high power density, high efficiency bus converters has increased interest in resonant...
In this paper, comparative study of MOSFET and COOLMOS in a high frequency inverter design is inves...
The CoolMOS™+ transistor is a power MOSFET type device that utilizes a “super-junction” embedded wit...
The tradeoff between the switching energy and electro-thermal robustness is explored for 1.2-kV SiC ...
Recently, 3.3 and 6.5 kV power MOSFETs have been introduced. Based on the 3.3 kV device, a 100 A hal...
In this thesis, a half-bridge module rated at 1.2 kV, 300, 175 °C A employing SiC MOSFETs and SiC Sc...
In this paper, dynamic switching performance at 1st quadrant and 3rd quadrant operation of Silicon a...
Parasitic inductances caused by the package of semiconductor devices in power converters, are limiti...
In this thesis, the performance of the full Silicon Carbide (SiC) half-bridge power module BSM120D12...
High temperature power converter becomes possible due to the development of SiC power technology. Th...
Silicon carbide (SiC) is seen as a potential replacement power semiconductor material because it ca...
In this thesis, next generation low-voltage integrated power semiconductor devices are proposed and ...