Satisfiability of complex word-level formulas often arises as a problem in formal verification of hardware designs de-scribed at the register transfer level (RTL). Even though most designs are described in a hardware description lan-guage (HDL), like Verilog or VHDL, usually this problem is solved in the Boolean domain, using Boolean solvers. These engines often show a poor performance for data path veri-fication. Instead of solving the problem at the bit-level, a method is proposed to transform conjunctions of bitvector equali-ties and inequalities into sets of integer linear arithmetic constraints. It is shown that it is possible to correctly model the modulo semantics of HDL operators as linear constraints. Integer linear constraint solv...
AbstractWe compare SAT-checkers and decision diagrams on the evaluation of Boolean formulae produced...
textThe growing complexity of VLSI and System-on-a-chip(SoC) designs has made their verification ex...
this paper, a verification method is presented which combines the advantages of deduction style proo...
Satisfiability of complex word-level formulas often arises as a problem in formal verification of ha...
Formal verification has become one of the most important steps in circuit design. In this context th...
Formal checking at Register-Transfer Level (RTL) is currently a fundamental step in the design of ha...
Abstract:- This paper describes the use of integer equations for high level modeling of digital circ...
Recent advances in solving propositional satisfiability problems (SAT) have extended their applicati...
Our strategy for automatic generation of functional vectors is based on exercising selected paths in...
We propose a normalization technique for verifying arithmetic circuits in a bounded model checking e...
We address the property checking problem for SoC design verification at the register transfer level ...
The main obstacle for formal hardware verification of digital circuits is formed by ever increasing ...
Verification is an essential step of the hardware design lifecycle. Usually verification is done at ...
This paper studies how bit-vector logic (bv logic) can help improve the efficiency of verifying spec...
This paper addresses the problem of equivalence verification of high-level/RTL descriptions. The foc...
AbstractWe compare SAT-checkers and decision diagrams on the evaluation of Boolean formulae produced...
textThe growing complexity of VLSI and System-on-a-chip(SoC) designs has made their verification ex...
this paper, a verification method is presented which combines the advantages of deduction style proo...
Satisfiability of complex word-level formulas often arises as a problem in formal verification of ha...
Formal verification has become one of the most important steps in circuit design. In this context th...
Formal checking at Register-Transfer Level (RTL) is currently a fundamental step in the design of ha...
Abstract:- This paper describes the use of integer equations for high level modeling of digital circ...
Recent advances in solving propositional satisfiability problems (SAT) have extended their applicati...
Our strategy for automatic generation of functional vectors is based on exercising selected paths in...
We propose a normalization technique for verifying arithmetic circuits in a bounded model checking e...
We address the property checking problem for SoC design verification at the register transfer level ...
The main obstacle for formal hardware verification of digital circuits is formed by ever increasing ...
Verification is an essential step of the hardware design lifecycle. Usually verification is done at ...
This paper studies how bit-vector logic (bv logic) can help improve the efficiency of verifying spec...
This paper addresses the problem of equivalence verification of high-level/RTL descriptions. The foc...
AbstractWe compare SAT-checkers and decision diagrams on the evaluation of Boolean formulae produced...
textThe growing complexity of VLSI and System-on-a-chip(SoC) designs has made their verification ex...
this paper, a verification method is presented which combines the advantages of deduction style proo...