autotoxicity has been most frequently identified as aAutotoxicity may reduce plant population and productivity of al-cause of reseeding failure (Webster et al., 1967; Tesar,falfa (Medicago sativa L.) reseeded into winterkilled alfalfa stands; however, the interaction of important variables such as reseeding 1993; Miller, 1996). delay, stand age, and cultivar with autotoxicity has not been evaluated. Autotoxicity is an intraspecific type of allelopathy We determined the effects of stand age (1-, 2-, or 3-yr-old alfalfa that occurs when a plant releases chemicals harmful to stands), reseeding delay (none or 2-wk delay) after plowing the origi- plant growth and development (Miller, 1996). Alfalfa nal stands in May, and cultivar reseeded (‘5262...