This analysis breaks down the congestion levels experienced during specific parts of a wilderness canoe trip. By explicitly addressing the heterogeneity in preferences for congestion during a trip, we are able to determine the relative value canoeists place on solitude at different points of a trip. Our econometric model utilizes a random effects probit framework to efficiently estimate the welfare impacts of congestion on each trip portion. The welfare effects of congestion levels vary across wilderness areas, parts of a trip and individuals
Congestion : A Key Variable in Recreation-Site Choice Models. The travel-cost method iswidely used...
Economists have tried to estimate the demand for recreation under conditions of congestion, struggli...
Studies of recreation congestion generally utilize nonmarket valuation techniques to determine the u...
This analysis breaks down the congestion levels experienced during specific parts of a wilderness ca...
"This paper uses stated and revealed preference data to quantify differential welfare impacts from c...
The potential importance of congestion effects on the management and rationing of recreational facil...
This paper develops a theory of interdependent utility functions in examining congestion in recreati...
The travel cost method is widely used to estimate the value of recreational sites and to simulate th...
Bias in estimating recreational values may result if congestion is ignored in the demand model speci...
Congestion levels in protected areas can be predicted by site selection probability models estimated...
In France open access is the rule for recreational areas. This generally leads to suboptimal equilib...
Congestion levels in protected areas can be predicted by destination choice models estimated from ch...
Travel cost models are regularly used to determine the value of recreational sites or particular sit...
Multiattribute-revealed preference data are used to investigate heterogeneity in a sample of kayaker...
Congestion : A Key Variable in Recreation-Site Choice Models. The travel-cost method iswidely used...
Economists have tried to estimate the demand for recreation under conditions of congestion, struggli...
Studies of recreation congestion generally utilize nonmarket valuation techniques to determine the u...
This analysis breaks down the congestion levels experienced during specific parts of a wilderness ca...
"This paper uses stated and revealed preference data to quantify differential welfare impacts from c...
The potential importance of congestion effects on the management and rationing of recreational facil...
This paper develops a theory of interdependent utility functions in examining congestion in recreati...
The travel cost method is widely used to estimate the value of recreational sites and to simulate th...
Bias in estimating recreational values may result if congestion is ignored in the demand model speci...
Congestion levels in protected areas can be predicted by site selection probability models estimated...
In France open access is the rule for recreational areas. This generally leads to suboptimal equilib...
Congestion levels in protected areas can be predicted by destination choice models estimated from ch...
Travel cost models are regularly used to determine the value of recreational sites or particular sit...
Multiattribute-revealed preference data are used to investigate heterogeneity in a sample of kayaker...
Congestion : A Key Variable in Recreation-Site Choice Models. The travel-cost method iswidely used...
Economists have tried to estimate the demand for recreation under conditions of congestion, struggli...
Studies of recreation congestion generally utilize nonmarket valuation techniques to determine the u...