Travel cost models are regularly used to determine the value of recreational sites or particular site characteristics, yet a key site attribute, congestion, is often excluded from such analyses. One of several reasons is that congestion (unlike many other site attributes) is determined in equilibrium by the process of individuals sorting across sites, and thus presents significant endogeneity problems. This paper illustrates this source of endogeneity, describes how previous research has dealt with it by way of stated preference techniques, and describes an instrumental variables approach to address it in a revealed preference context. We demonstrate that failing to address the endogeneity of congestion will likely lead to the understatemen...
Trout angling is one of the most popular water-based recreational activities in the Rotorua Lakes. D...
Trout angling is one of the most popular water-based recreational activities in the Rotorua Lakes. D...
Open-access is probably the main cause of crowding on recreational sites, especially when they are a...
The potential importance of congestion effects on the management and rationing of recreational facil...
The travel cost method is widely used to estimate the value of recreational sites and to simulate th...
recreation economics treats spatial problems of varying dimensionality. Travel cost models, once fas...
This paper proposes using a control function to correct for endogeneity in recreation demand models....
Recreation demand models frequently are used to explain outdoor recreation behavior and to estimate ...
"This paper uses stated and revealed preference data to quantify differential welfare impacts from c...
Studies of recreation congestion generally utilize nonmarket valuation techniques to determine the u...
Bias in estimating recreational values may result if congestion is ignored in the demand model speci...
This paper develops a theory of interdependent utility functions in examining congestion in recreati...
Congestion : A Key Variable in Recreation-Site Choice Models. The travel-cost method iswidely used...
The Waterville fishery provides angling and other recreation amenities to the public at a nominal co...
Abstract. Site congestion has received limited attention in revealed preference studies. Difficultie...
Trout angling is one of the most popular water-based recreational activities in the Rotorua Lakes. D...
Trout angling is one of the most popular water-based recreational activities in the Rotorua Lakes. D...
Open-access is probably the main cause of crowding on recreational sites, especially when they are a...
The potential importance of congestion effects on the management and rationing of recreational facil...
The travel cost method is widely used to estimate the value of recreational sites and to simulate th...
recreation economics treats spatial problems of varying dimensionality. Travel cost models, once fas...
This paper proposes using a control function to correct for endogeneity in recreation demand models....
Recreation demand models frequently are used to explain outdoor recreation behavior and to estimate ...
"This paper uses stated and revealed preference data to quantify differential welfare impacts from c...
Studies of recreation congestion generally utilize nonmarket valuation techniques to determine the u...
Bias in estimating recreational values may result if congestion is ignored in the demand model speci...
This paper develops a theory of interdependent utility functions in examining congestion in recreati...
Congestion : A Key Variable in Recreation-Site Choice Models. The travel-cost method iswidely used...
The Waterville fishery provides angling and other recreation amenities to the public at a nominal co...
Abstract. Site congestion has received limited attention in revealed preference studies. Difficultie...
Trout angling is one of the most popular water-based recreational activities in the Rotorua Lakes. D...
Trout angling is one of the most popular water-based recreational activities in the Rotorua Lakes. D...
Open-access is probably the main cause of crowding on recreational sites, especially when they are a...