Title: Organization of sports event Barum Czech Rally 2016 Targets: The main goal of this thesis is to analyze the daily management of the sports event Barum Czech Rally Zlín 2016 and consequently to find main inadequacies and deficits in organization of this event. In accordance with this findings I will suggest specific changes for improvement and efficiency of the overall concept and daily organization activities for Barum Czech Rally Zlín 2017 and following seasons. Methods of research: In this thesis there are used these methods of research: Case study, document analysis, participating observations, semi-structured interview. Results: The thesis results in set of proposals, suggestions and measures for following seasons of mentioned ev...
Title: Event Management - Prague International Streetball Cup Objectives of Thesis: Identify key poi...
Objectives: This thesis has two main objectives. First objective is analysis of management World cup...
Name: Management of major orienteering events Goal: The main goal of this thesis is to determine and...
The objective of this bachelor thesis is to create a management project of sports event which could ...
Title: Sport event management - Mystic skate cup Objectives: The main objective of this bachelor the...
Title: Planning and organizing a sport event in Milevsko Objectives: The main purpose of this thesis...
Title: Management of sport's event Jihlavská 24 MTB Objective: The aim of this work, mainly based on...
Title: Management of road cycling race Objectives: The aim of this work is to analyze the management...
Title: Organising sport&music event ,,bm(X)treme fest 2010" Goals: The aim of my bachelor thesis is ...
Topic: Organizational issues of a public mass marathon in cross-country skiing Goals of thesis: The ...
Title: Sport event management - Junior Marathon Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to ...
Title: Management of Athletic Competition Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to analyse the manage...
Title: Organizing of sporting event on the example of the Czech Cheerleading National Championship 2...
Title: Application of the theory Service-Profit Chain on the example of sport event Gigathlon Czech ...
Title: Marketing mix of musical,culture and sports event: Celebration of the right and left coast of...
Title: Event Management - Prague International Streetball Cup Objectives of Thesis: Identify key poi...
Objectives: This thesis has two main objectives. First objective is analysis of management World cup...
Name: Management of major orienteering events Goal: The main goal of this thesis is to determine and...
The objective of this bachelor thesis is to create a management project of sports event which could ...
Title: Sport event management - Mystic skate cup Objectives: The main objective of this bachelor the...
Title: Planning and organizing a sport event in Milevsko Objectives: The main purpose of this thesis...
Title: Management of sport's event Jihlavská 24 MTB Objective: The aim of this work, mainly based on...
Title: Management of road cycling race Objectives: The aim of this work is to analyze the management...
Title: Organising sport&music event ,,bm(X)treme fest 2010" Goals: The aim of my bachelor thesis is ...
Topic: Organizational issues of a public mass marathon in cross-country skiing Goals of thesis: The ...
Title: Sport event management - Junior Marathon Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to ...
Title: Management of Athletic Competition Objectives: The aim of the thesis is to analyse the manage...
Title: Organizing of sporting event on the example of the Czech Cheerleading National Championship 2...
Title: Application of the theory Service-Profit Chain on the example of sport event Gigathlon Czech ...
Title: Marketing mix of musical,culture and sports event: Celebration of the right and left coast of...
Title: Event Management - Prague International Streetball Cup Objectives of Thesis: Identify key poi...
Objectives: This thesis has two main objectives. First objective is analysis of management World cup...
Name: Management of major orienteering events Goal: The main goal of this thesis is to determine and...