The dissertation thesis focuses on the topic of individualism and non-clinical narcissism. The issue is seen first in the broad context of social sciences and also the results of empirical researches published hitherto are summarized in the first part. Subsequently, based on three questionnaire surveys (two of them have representative character), is researched the incidence of individualism and non-clinical narcissism in the Czech population as well as the interaction between these two phenomena. For the purposes of measuring of their incidence we adopted the scale of individualism and collectivism (INDCOL) and constructed our own valid instrument for measuring non-clinical narcissism. In the text there is also described the process of cons...
Relationship with authority is a significant psychosocial factor influencing formation of self-estee...
Vztahy jedince k ostatním lidem, jeho cíle, zájmy a identita tvoří užitečný definiční rámec, prostře...
In this era that we live in there are such personality structures that we call ‘narcissism’ which is...
The article informs readers about the construction of a test of narcissism and associated phenomena....
This article reports a study of the relation between narcissism as a personality characteristic and ...
The article focuses on psychological and sociological theories of narcissism. We draw on traditional...
The article aims to discuss the thesis on ‘narcissistic epidemic’ that was highlighted in publicatio...
Tato bakalářská práce si kladla za cíl odhalit míru narcistické poruchy osobnosti u studentů fakulty...
The aim of this dissertation is to show that it is possible to describe narcissistic personality dis...
Narcisizem večina virov definira kot previsok interes za lasten videz in sposobnosti, potrošniško ve...
Magistrsko delo skuša osvetliti nekatere elemente v družbi in njeni zgodovini, ki so pripomogli k ra...
Głównym celem niniejszego badania było lepsze zrozumienie relacji pomiędzy narcyzmem a preferencją d...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li povezanost narcizma (dvije njegove podvrste: osjet...
The article analyzes the concept of "Narcissistic-Self" as a characteristic of the Self-image of Se...
Pytanie o to jak psychika oraz fizjologia warunkują się wzajemnie oraz wpływają na siebie w codzienn...
Relationship with authority is a significant psychosocial factor influencing formation of self-estee...
Vztahy jedince k ostatním lidem, jeho cíle, zájmy a identita tvoří užitečný definiční rámec, prostře...
In this era that we live in there are such personality structures that we call ‘narcissism’ which is...
The article informs readers about the construction of a test of narcissism and associated phenomena....
This article reports a study of the relation between narcissism as a personality characteristic and ...
The article focuses on psychological and sociological theories of narcissism. We draw on traditional...
The article aims to discuss the thesis on ‘narcissistic epidemic’ that was highlighted in publicatio...
Tato bakalářská práce si kladla za cíl odhalit míru narcistické poruchy osobnosti u studentů fakulty...
The aim of this dissertation is to show that it is possible to describe narcissistic personality dis...
Narcisizem večina virov definira kot previsok interes za lasten videz in sposobnosti, potrošniško ve...
Magistrsko delo skuša osvetliti nekatere elemente v družbi in njeni zgodovini, ki so pripomogli k ra...
Głównym celem niniejszego badania było lepsze zrozumienie relacji pomiędzy narcyzmem a preferencją d...
Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoji li povezanost narcizma (dvije njegove podvrste: osjet...
The article analyzes the concept of "Narcissistic-Self" as a characteristic of the Self-image of Se...
Pytanie o to jak psychika oraz fizjologia warunkują się wzajemnie oraz wpływają na siebie w codzienn...
Relationship with authority is a significant psychosocial factor influencing formation of self-estee...
Vztahy jedince k ostatním lidem, jeho cíle, zájmy a identita tvoří užitečný definiční rámec, prostře...
In this era that we live in there are such personality structures that we call ‘narcissism’ which is...