遺傳資源的規範,特別關於取得與利益分享機制,已成為國際社會關注之焦點;由於該議題具跨領域性,已非單一國際條約可以克竟其功。本文在於分析當今各國際條約或組織與此有關之基本規範意涵與趨勢,輔以各國實踐,期以提供更深入研究之基礎,以及我國立法之參考。本文初步發現各國際條約或組織須加強整合,以追求相互支持;而目前部分開發中國家之實踐是否過於嚴格,皆值得深思。 The regulation on genetic resources, in particular on the topic of access to and benefit-sharing, has become a focal point of the international society. Given the inter-disciplined nature, there seems no single international treaty or institution may fully govern the issue and then achieve a satisfactory outcome alone. The article aims to analyze the basic legal implications and developments generated by relevant treaties and organizations on the topic and to reveal the practices of some nations. The study may serve as a basis for further in-depth research and a ref...