요약문 정도전은조선왕조창업의실질적공헌자로평가된다. 그러나그의공은단지개국한것에만머물지않고나아가조선왕조가이후 500년간지속될수있는터전을제공한데에있다고보는것이이글의논점이다. 기존의한국역사학계의평가는그를왕조의설계자로간주하면서, 주로경제, 정치, 법제도의제공에한정된내용을논의하였다. 그러나이에동의한다고하더라도그의실질적공헌은유교국가로서조선왕조가자신의사회를지속해서성공적으로재생산할수있는기반을제공한데에있다고보고그증거로볼수있는내용, 즉수도공간과건축의유교적배치와명명, 불교적의례르폐지하고유교적의례를대체한사실, 불교이념의배제와유교이념의시행등의의미를논한것이이글의핵심이다. 핵심어: 정도전, 조선왕조창업, 유교적기반, 사회의재생산, 도시공간의유교적배치와명명, 유교의례, 유교이념 Abstract Jeong Do-jeon is the most substantial contributor to the establishment of the Joseon Dynasty. Most present Korean historians commonly regard him as Designer of the Dynasty and have discussed his contribution to establish the system of law, economy, and politics. However, his contribution is not limited in the establishment. This paper discusses his substantial contri...