Astrociti so številčne celice centralnega živčnega sistema, med katerimi komunikacija poteka s citoplazemsko vzdražnostjo preko sekundarnih sporočevalcev ali presnovkov, ki se vežejo na številne z G-proteini sklopljene receptorje na astrocitni membrani. Astrociti imajo primerno lego, da lahko iz endotelija možganskih kapilar prevzemajo glukozo. Zadnja leta ima vedno več podpore hipoteza, da astrociti nevronom posredujejo laktat, presnovek, ki v astrocitih nastaja z aerobno glikolizo. Nevroni laktat domnevno uporabljajo kot vir energije, ki je pomembnejši od glukoze. Namen naše naloge je bilo ugotoviti, ali raven znotrajceličnega laktata poraste ob stimulaciji adrenergičnih receptorjev z noradrenalinom, če 1.) zavremo glikolizo z 2-deoksi gl...
For years glucose was thought to constitute the sole energy substrate for neurons; it was believed t...
For years glucose was thought to constitute the sole energy substrate for neurons; it was believed t...
Lactate has been considered for a long time as a metabolic waste and/or a sign of hypoxia in the cen...
Astrociti so številčne celice centralnega živčnega sistema, med katerimi komunikacija poteka s citop...
Astrociti imajo številne pomembne funkcije v centralnem živčnem sistemu. Med njimi je sodelovanje pr...
Z G-proteini sklopljeni receptorji (GPCR) so transmembranski proteini med katere spada več kot 800 r...
Noradrenaline (NA) promotes breakdown of the glucose-polymer, glycogen, and hence enhances glycolyti...
Besides being a neuronal fuel, L-lactate is also a signal in the brain. Whether extracellular L-lact...
Besides being a neuronal fuel, L-lactate is also a signal in the brain. Whether extracellular L-lact...
Astrocytes play a critical role in the regulation of brain metabolic responses to activity. One deta...
L'hypothalamus est fortement impliqué dans la régulation nerveuse de l'homéostasie énergétique. Il e...
Astrocytes, heterogeneous neuroglial cells, contribute to metabolic homeostasis in the brain by prov...
The hypothalamus plays a pivotal role in the nervous control of glucose homeostasis. This area conta...
<p>Besides being a neuronal fuel, L-lactate is also a signal in the brain. Whether extracellular L-l...
In recent years a vast array of experimental evidence has indicated the presence of functional recep...
For years glucose was thought to constitute the sole energy substrate for neurons; it was believed t...
For years glucose was thought to constitute the sole energy substrate for neurons; it was believed t...
Lactate has been considered for a long time as a metabolic waste and/or a sign of hypoxia in the cen...
Astrociti so številčne celice centralnega živčnega sistema, med katerimi komunikacija poteka s citop...
Astrociti imajo številne pomembne funkcije v centralnem živčnem sistemu. Med njimi je sodelovanje pr...
Z G-proteini sklopljeni receptorji (GPCR) so transmembranski proteini med katere spada več kot 800 r...
Noradrenaline (NA) promotes breakdown of the glucose-polymer, glycogen, and hence enhances glycolyti...
Besides being a neuronal fuel, L-lactate is also a signal in the brain. Whether extracellular L-lact...
Besides being a neuronal fuel, L-lactate is also a signal in the brain. Whether extracellular L-lact...
Astrocytes play a critical role in the regulation of brain metabolic responses to activity. One deta...
L'hypothalamus est fortement impliqué dans la régulation nerveuse de l'homéostasie énergétique. Il e...
Astrocytes, heterogeneous neuroglial cells, contribute to metabolic homeostasis in the brain by prov...
The hypothalamus plays a pivotal role in the nervous control of glucose homeostasis. This area conta...
<p>Besides being a neuronal fuel, L-lactate is also a signal in the brain. Whether extracellular L-l...
In recent years a vast array of experimental evidence has indicated the presence of functional recep...
For years glucose was thought to constitute the sole energy substrate for neurons; it was believed t...
For years glucose was thought to constitute the sole energy substrate for neurons; it was believed t...
Lactate has been considered for a long time as a metabolic waste and/or a sign of hypoxia in the cen...