The begin»ings of the avtistic scenography i» the Belgrade Theater n"ere linked to the first years of the 1920ies. Ava>it-garde e> e>its in the European theater ref lected in periodicals and daily papers, ni!h ever more professional disciissions on the rol e and place of pvodiiction and scenogvap.\u27 iy i» the»iodevn society. A de>nand for an updated mise en scene nas a fu»da>ne»tal i»ipetus for artistic refov>nation of the National Theater in Belgrade, initiated i» 1911. The course of developme>it of the Belgrade Theater !vas thus directed tonards the artistic, >nodern and jugoslav character. The first professional producer, Andrejev, and a theater pain!er. Bal>izek, tlie Russian artists inf luenced by the contemporavy Ger»ian theater, n>...