Encounter of a u ni versal creator a»d unique hanđicrafts>nen entailed a concept of applied art as a specificity of Secession. Stylistically homogeneotrs regional identifiabilities vepresented nat ional 1 ariants, and Voivodina belo>tged to the constellation of Ht rngary. The Tou>n Hall in Subotica, recteđ betu>een 1908 and 1912, i s one of the vare al»>ost co»>plete/y presevted examp/es of the synthesis of architectuve and artistic handicrafts. The luxurious ensamble of the f trnctional building uas designed by tu o archilects, Deže Jakob and Marcel Komor . Almost si>nulta »co»slv, i.e. from 1900 until 1912, the Sinagogt<e (1903), the Rajhl Palace (1903/4) and the Pa/ić Lakeside Resort premises, uere constructed, also modem by function anđ...