Surrogacy is a particularly sensitive issue. Therefore, the regulations of surrogacy by different European legal systems diverge significantly. According to the European Court of Human Rights it is, in principle, at the discretion of each signatory of the European Convention on Human Rights to allow or prohibit surrogacy. The decision of the Court’s Second Section in the proceeding Paradiso and Campanelli, however, requires that signatories that generally reject surrogacy establish a legal parent-child-relationship between children born abroad due to surrogacy arrangements and their intended parentsСуррогатное материнство является особенно деликатной темой. В этой связи нормы сурро- гатного материнства в различных европейских правовых сист...
The results of testing samples of aluminum alloy with a special coarse-grained structure, which allo...
The organoleptic and physico-chemical indexes of new sweets for people with static-physical loads ar...
The differential geometry of multicomponent distributions of multidimensional spaces is considered. ...
Theoretical and practical aspects of the book exhibitions and fairs activity are researched, and the...
Abstract: Родилась в 1945, г. Рязань Образование: Филологический факультет МГУ (окончила ...
Data on alloy additions content (e.g. Mn, Cu. V, Al, Mo, W) in steel St.3, steels standards - 55X7VS...
The article presents the results of a study of serum alanineaminotransferase levels in patients with...
Liberal democracy, the theory of a democratic world and a number of other liberal theories today are...
Выпускаемый в свет I том «Истории политических учений» заканчивает изложенье средневековьем и предст...
The paper observes the issues connected to professional training of conductors of folk instruments ...
В текущем году отмечается 800-летие ?Великой хартии вольностей? ? правового договора, имевшего форму...
The processes of informatization of education require considering changes of the informational space...
The paper is devoted to the solution of the three- dimensional non-stationary problems of heat condu...
This study demonstrates effective thoracic epidural analgesia by ropivacain 0.2 %, phentanyl 2 mkg/m...
The article deals with the basics of comparative analysis of economic and legal reforms in internat...
The results of testing samples of aluminum alloy with a special coarse-grained structure, which allo...
The organoleptic and physico-chemical indexes of new sweets for people with static-physical loads ar...
The differential geometry of multicomponent distributions of multidimensional spaces is considered. ...
Theoretical and practical aspects of the book exhibitions and fairs activity are researched, and the...
Abstract: Родилась в 1945, г. Рязань Образование: Филологический факультет МГУ (окончила ...
Data on alloy additions content (e.g. Mn, Cu. V, Al, Mo, W) in steel St.3, steels standards - 55X7VS...
The article presents the results of a study of serum alanineaminotransferase levels in patients with...
Liberal democracy, the theory of a democratic world and a number of other liberal theories today are...
Выпускаемый в свет I том «Истории политических учений» заканчивает изложенье средневековьем и предст...
The paper observes the issues connected to professional training of conductors of folk instruments ...
В текущем году отмечается 800-летие ?Великой хартии вольностей? ? правового договора, имевшего форму...
The processes of informatization of education require considering changes of the informational space...
The paper is devoted to the solution of the three- dimensional non-stationary problems of heat condu...
This study demonstrates effective thoracic epidural analgesia by ropivacain 0.2 %, phentanyl 2 mkg/m...
The article deals with the basics of comparative analysis of economic and legal reforms in internat...
The results of testing samples of aluminum alloy with a special coarse-grained structure, which allo...
The organoleptic and physico-chemical indexes of new sweets for people with static-physical loads ar...
The differential geometry of multicomponent distributions of multidimensional spaces is considered. ...