漢字的「觀」指的不僅是一種身體的知覺能力,其為視覺活動背後包涵了豐富的心靈活動,讓事物呈現更深邃的面向。「觀物」在北宋以前一直潛伏於儒家的語脈當中,尚未成為一個突出的概念,直到邵康節始點化出來作顯題處理, 直指一種窮理體道的活動。與邵康節並世的周濂溪、張橫渠和二程兄弟都分別有觀窗前草、觀驢鳴、觀雞雛、觀魚游等的雅事為人所樂道。觀物不僅是理學家的休閒活動,更和他們的道德修養息息相關,悠然帶著成德工夫的意味。有見及此,一、我們可以探討北宋理學中的觀物在什麼意義下是一種修道的工夫;二、以觀物工夫切入北宋五子,可以提供一個新的角度審視理學的發展 。The Chinese character Gun (Cantonese) or Guan (Mandarin) entails not only our physical sensibility, the visual activity itself also unfolds a rich exercising of the mind, revealing a dimension lying in the depth of objects. Before Northern Song, the concept of Guan Wu (Deep Viewing of Things) has been latent in the Confucius linguistic context. It has not been a significant concept until highlighted by Master Shao Yong, who argued that this is an activity of articulating a...