Genre: Medicine/huru: Joe Ware, a young grandfather from Mata mere, tells in three audio recordings (SD1-285-87) and a videoclip about his 'uuru kora' is more complicated than most huru, and the symptoms too; both men and women who become affllicted will behave out of control; steal and approach the other sex without normal restraints. Ware tells in rec 1 of how he cures people from his 'huru', beginning with a 'bhulu wa'o' prayer (rec 1) and talking to the ancestors. The cure does use betel (sirih pinang) – he 'ngiru' – like most 'huru', mixed only with leaves from the 'kora' tree. Here Ware tells about the procedure from when a person is aware that he is attacked by 'huru kora' and he comes to ask for Ware's help. Ware gives him an egg to...