Genre: Medicine/huru: Joe Ware, a young grandfather from Mata mere, tells in three audio recordings and a videoclip about his notorious 'huru kora', a curse-prohibition to protect crops. 'Huru kora' is more complicated than most huru, and the symptoms too; both men and women who become affllicted will behave out of control; steal and approach the other sex without normal restraints. Ware tells in rec 1 of how he cures people from his 'huru', beginning with a 'bhulu wa'o' prayer (rec 1) and talking to the ancestors. He cannot tell how everything is done, because he fears the listeners might be attacked by the huru! The cure does use betel (sirih pinang) – he 'ngiru' – like most 'huru', mixed only with leaves from the 'kora' tree. Here Ware t...