Genre: Medicine/huru: Bernadetta Paji recorded in the morning, 23 June -15, sitting on the 'woga' bamboo plattform of Paji's thatched adat house, with grass ('ci'i') reaching all the way to the woga. We were only the two of us, besides a cat that kept miaowing. Outdoors condition: I handheld the Zoom and recorded with the internal microphones. This part of the (one long) recording is a 'huru', a disease and its cure, that is to cure people with chewed areca nut and piper betel ('ngiru huru'), and other ingredients. This one is 'huru beri', coughing, using bark from 'beri', a tree.Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Recording made in kampong Nara, Keli domain