Genre: Medicine/huru: Lucia Sugo (Majune), kampong Kaju keri. Ebbe (Pidhu) asks more about her 'huru koli paku', but he just gets a short reply, same. At least it is found out that she does indeed 'huru' (cure-sign) her crops. uses chewed areca nut and piper betel (sirih pinang), 'seku' (BI. kencur) and lontar leaf, which is applied where the afflicted person is swollen.Recorded by Pidhu Sophune at her home 4 Nov - 15 in the afternoon with the H4N Zoom. With grandchildren (or grandchildren of her brothers and sisters) Ista, Riz, Wera Pajine. Portrait in SD1-249.Palu'e, Flores, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Recording made in kampong Kaju keri, Keli domain