Das Ziel dieses Beitrags ist, die Vita einer fast in Vergessenheit geratenen Literatin, Maria Therese von Artner, darzustellen. Ihre Lebensgeschichte und literarisches Schaffen sind für slowakische Germanisten mindestens aus zwei Gründen interessant. Erstens verbrachte sie ein Teil ihres Lebens mit in den Komitaten Neutra (Nitra) und Trentschin (Trenčín), zweitens wurde sie von Zeitgenossen als eine talentierte Dichterin wahrgenommen und zählt zugleich zu den wenigen bekannten deutsch schreibenden Schriftstellerinnen des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts unserer Region...The author focuses in her paper on two closely related themes: 1) the depiction of social determinants for women´s writing in Hungary in the early 19th century, 2) the concrete life ...
In this paper, I examine some literary texts of two turn-of-the century Hungarian women writers, Ann...
Greňová, Martina: Female translators as stakeholders in the contact between the Czech and German lan...
In Paris, in 1766 was born one of the most famous saloniérs at the turn of the 18. century Anne-Luis...
Maria Therese von Artner, born in 1772, is one of the almost forgotten German authors born in what i...
The Social Spaces of Female Intellectual Careers in the Mid-Nineteenth Century Pest-Buda I examine t...
The paper offers an overview of women’s literacy in medieval Hungary. Due to the later introduction ...
The study delineates a picture of the woman writer, Růžena Svobodová, as an example of possible real...
It might be tempting to conclude, giving the prominence of male writers in the Hungarian canon, that...
From the endless wealth of 19th century Hungarian literature, I chose an oeuvre that focuses on ever...
Within the regional literary canon of Transylvanian Hungarian literature, female authors had a margi...
Tereza Novakova was a significant personality of Czech culture at the turn of 19th and 20th century....
There is a tendency in Hungarian literary reception that locates the emergence of Hungarian Women’s ...
Studie ke zaměřená na fenomém čtenářství českých žen v dlouhém 19. století"The advent of the ph...
Diese Abschlussarbeit wird die Position der tschechischen Frauen in 19. und 20. Jahrhundert beschrei...
Die Bachelorarbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Studium des Lebens und des Werkes von Baronin Bertha von...
In this paper, I examine some literary texts of two turn-of-the century Hungarian women writers, Ann...
Greňová, Martina: Female translators as stakeholders in the contact between the Czech and German lan...
In Paris, in 1766 was born one of the most famous saloniérs at the turn of the 18. century Anne-Luis...
Maria Therese von Artner, born in 1772, is one of the almost forgotten German authors born in what i...
The Social Spaces of Female Intellectual Careers in the Mid-Nineteenth Century Pest-Buda I examine t...
The paper offers an overview of women’s literacy in medieval Hungary. Due to the later introduction ...
The study delineates a picture of the woman writer, Růžena Svobodová, as an example of possible real...
It might be tempting to conclude, giving the prominence of male writers in the Hungarian canon, that...
From the endless wealth of 19th century Hungarian literature, I chose an oeuvre that focuses on ever...
Within the regional literary canon of Transylvanian Hungarian literature, female authors had a margi...
Tereza Novakova was a significant personality of Czech culture at the turn of 19th and 20th century....
There is a tendency in Hungarian literary reception that locates the emergence of Hungarian Women’s ...
Studie ke zaměřená na fenomém čtenářství českých žen v dlouhém 19. století"The advent of the ph...
Diese Abschlussarbeit wird die Position der tschechischen Frauen in 19. und 20. Jahrhundert beschrei...
Die Bachelorarbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem Studium des Lebens und des Werkes von Baronin Bertha von...
In this paper, I examine some literary texts of two turn-of-the century Hungarian women writers, Ann...
Greňová, Martina: Female translators as stakeholders in the contact between the Czech and German lan...
In Paris, in 1766 was born one of the most famous saloniérs at the turn of the 18. century Anne-Luis...