The author dwells on a particular aspect of traditional culture of Somali pastoralists that is the arbitration between contenders, knowns as "xeerka geedka", literally "the law of the tree" referring to the tradition meeting under a tree. He illustrates the participants; the crimes, the penalities; the camel as object to repair damage; the present situation relating to the justice system.Qoraagu wuxuu maqaalkan kaga hadlayaa qayb ka mid ah dhaqanka raacatada Soomaaliyeed, gaar ahaan "xeerka geedka": dadka ka qaybgalaya golaha garnaqidda; xeerka ciqaabta; iyo xaaladda maanta taagan oo ah mid jahawareersan.L'autore si sofferma su un aspetto particolare della cultura tradizionale dei pastori somali ovvero l'arbitrio tra contendenti, conosciuto...