Iz zaraženih biljaka paprike (Capsicum annuum L.) uzgajanih u okolici Bijeljine (Bosna i Hercegovina) izoliran je dosta nestabilan virusni izolat koji pripada skupini cucumovirusi. Po svojim biološkim svojstvima, tj. krugu eksperimentalnih domaćina i njihovoj reakciji, te svojstvima u sirovom soku, virus je sličan tipičnim sojevima virusa mozaika krastavca (VMK; cucumber mosaic virus), dok njegovo ponašanje u serološkim pokusima dvostruke radijalne imunodifuzije ukazuje na to da pripada nestabilnim izolatima toga virusa.From infected pepper (Capsicum annuurn L.) plants grown in the surroundings of the town of Bijeljina a rather unstable cucumovirus isolate was obtained. Concerning the host range reactions and its stability in sap, the virus...
From glasshouse tomato crops in Yugoslavia (Macedonia) which showed a virus disease of differential ...
Onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV), the cause of a harmful disease of onions (Allium čepa L.) and shall...
There are over 200 known cucurbit diseases of diverse etiologies. Viruses are the most common causes...
Iz zaraženih biljaka paprike (Capsicum annuum L.) uzgajanih u okolici Bijeljine (Bosna i Hercegovina...
From pea (Pisurn sativum L.) plants with prominent virus symptoms collected in the surroundings of M...
The number of virus species infecting pepper crops and their incidences has increased considerably o...
Pepper is a very popular and profitable crop in Serbia and its production is growing rapidly as well...
A virus was isolated from diseased tomato plants with mild variegation symptoms on leaves. The virus...
Iz listova zaraženih primjeraka korovne biljke Erigeron canadensis L. koji su rasli na nekoliko loka...
Na području Zagreba nađeni su primjerci biljaka Brassica napus var. napobrassica subvar. rutabaga i ...
Na području srednje Dalmacije (Split i okolica) zapaženi su na cirkummediteranskoj ruderalnoj i koro...
The virus isolate G1 found in bean which was collected in Kosovo (southeast province of Yugoslavia) ...
Tomato black ring virus (TBRV) was previously detected on potato and grape-vine in some parts of Yug...
So far, tomato is a natural host for about 146 plant viruses, but several of them have caused a cons...
Potato virus Y i.e. its necrotic strain (PVYNTN) is among the most economically harmful agents of p...
From glasshouse tomato crops in Yugoslavia (Macedonia) which showed a virus disease of differential ...
Onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV), the cause of a harmful disease of onions (Allium čepa L.) and shall...
There are over 200 known cucurbit diseases of diverse etiologies. Viruses are the most common causes...
Iz zaraženih biljaka paprike (Capsicum annuum L.) uzgajanih u okolici Bijeljine (Bosna i Hercegovina...
From pea (Pisurn sativum L.) plants with prominent virus symptoms collected in the surroundings of M...
The number of virus species infecting pepper crops and their incidences has increased considerably o...
Pepper is a very popular and profitable crop in Serbia and its production is growing rapidly as well...
A virus was isolated from diseased tomato plants with mild variegation symptoms on leaves. The virus...
Iz listova zaraženih primjeraka korovne biljke Erigeron canadensis L. koji su rasli na nekoliko loka...
Na području Zagreba nađeni su primjerci biljaka Brassica napus var. napobrassica subvar. rutabaga i ...
Na području srednje Dalmacije (Split i okolica) zapaženi su na cirkummediteranskoj ruderalnoj i koro...
The virus isolate G1 found in bean which was collected in Kosovo (southeast province of Yugoslavia) ...
Tomato black ring virus (TBRV) was previously detected on potato and grape-vine in some parts of Yug...
So far, tomato is a natural host for about 146 plant viruses, but several of them have caused a cons...
Potato virus Y i.e. its necrotic strain (PVYNTN) is among the most economically harmful agents of p...
From glasshouse tomato crops in Yugoslavia (Macedonia) which showed a virus disease of differential ...
Onion yellow dwarf virus (OYDV), the cause of a harmful disease of onions (Allium čepa L.) and shall...
There are over 200 known cucurbit diseases of diverse etiologies. Viruses are the most common causes...