AbstractThe n-cube network is called faulty if it contains any faulty processor or any faulty link. For any number k we want to compute the minimum number f(n, k) of faults which is necessary for an adversary to make every (n − k)-dimensional subcube faulty. Reversely formulated: The existence of an (n − k)-dimensional non-faulty subcube can be guaranteed, if there are less than f(n, k) faults in the n-cube. In this paper several lower and upper bounds for f(n, k) are derived such that the resulting gaps are “small.” For instance if k ≥ 2 is constant, then f(n, k) = θ(logn). Especially for k = 2 and large n: f(n, 2) ∈ [[αn⌉]: [αn]⌉ + 2], where αn =logn + ½ log log n + ½. Or if k = ω(log log n) then 2k < f(n, k) < 2(1 + ɛ)k, with ɛ chosen ar...