The purpose of this thesis is to examine the effects of implementing energy strate-gies of the European Union on the Baltic Sea electricity market. This thesis investigates prices, production and transmission of electricity in the area assuming that electricity markets develop according to the EU strategies. The investigation is conducted by creating future scenarios that follow the development in the EU strategies. Based on these scenarios simulation cases were created. Simulations were run to find out prices, production amounts of different production methods and transmission capacities in each scenario. The thesis is limited in the day-ahead market of the Baltic Sea region. The intraday and balancing markets are not considered in this...
The European Union aims at attaining efficiency improvements in the electricity sector through dereg...
This thesis outlines secondary substation concepts for three European countries, them being Finland,...
Commercialization plays an important role in technologies’ success and failure. The successful trans...
The comparison of four future renewable energy system scenarios yields that energy system design for...
Bakalaureusetöö Keskkonnakaitse õppekavalMaailmas üldiselt, aga veelgi enam Euroopa Liidu riikides ...
Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan eurooppalaisen FCA-verkkosäännön mahdollisia muutoksia pohjoismais...
This thesis aims to study the current electricity market liberalization status in the selected juris...
European Union has committed itself to an ambitious target for reducing its greenhouse gas emissions...
This thesis provides the historical and contextual background, drivers, and assessment of harmonisin...
Water and energy resources are crucial topics on the current European political agenda. At the same ...
The European countries have set ambitious goals for reducing energy use and CO₂ emissions. The first...
Uusiutuvien energialähteiden hyödyntäminen tulevaisuudessa tulee olemaan yhä tärkeämpi osa kehitystä...
A global trend in electricity generation has been that, in order to reduce the effect of global warm...
Energiankulutus on kasvanut Euroopassa. Euroopan Parlamentti ja komissio ovat reagoineet energiansää...
Työssä selvitetään pienimuotoisen sähköntuotannon nykytilaa Suomessa ja potentiaalia tulevaisuudessa...
The European Union aims at attaining efficiency improvements in the electricity sector through dereg...
This thesis outlines secondary substation concepts for three European countries, them being Finland,...
Commercialization plays an important role in technologies’ success and failure. The successful trans...
The comparison of four future renewable energy system scenarios yields that energy system design for...
Bakalaureusetöö Keskkonnakaitse õppekavalMaailmas üldiselt, aga veelgi enam Euroopa Liidu riikides ...
Tässä diplomityössä tarkastellaan eurooppalaisen FCA-verkkosäännön mahdollisia muutoksia pohjoismais...
This thesis aims to study the current electricity market liberalization status in the selected juris...
European Union has committed itself to an ambitious target for reducing its greenhouse gas emissions...
This thesis provides the historical and contextual background, drivers, and assessment of harmonisin...
Water and energy resources are crucial topics on the current European political agenda. At the same ...
The European countries have set ambitious goals for reducing energy use and CO₂ emissions. The first...
Uusiutuvien energialähteiden hyödyntäminen tulevaisuudessa tulee olemaan yhä tärkeämpi osa kehitystä...
A global trend in electricity generation has been that, in order to reduce the effect of global warm...
Energiankulutus on kasvanut Euroopassa. Euroopan Parlamentti ja komissio ovat reagoineet energiansää...
Työssä selvitetään pienimuotoisen sähköntuotannon nykytilaa Suomessa ja potentiaalia tulevaisuudessa...
The European Union aims at attaining efficiency improvements in the electricity sector through dereg...
This thesis outlines secondary substation concepts for three European countries, them being Finland,...
Commercialization plays an important role in technologies’ success and failure. The successful trans...